This is the start for my portfolio website, including an "About me," "Portfolio," and "Contact" page. This site will hold information about me (personality, education, and experience with coding), some of the projects I have completed during BootCamp to allow for viewing and access (right now these are just dummy-links as no such projects have commenced), as well as a way to future employers and/or inquiring minds to ask me any questions they may have (also not working as we have not learned the back-end work yet).
HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Font Awesome
My portfolio contains the following pages: * About Me: to provide information about myself and a bit about my passion for coding and web development * Portfolio: to arrange the various projects I have done--either in collaboration or alone--with links to their respective GitHub sites, containing links to their deployed applications * Resume: to lay out various methods of contact, my past education, job experience, as well as various skills I possess * Contact: to give a form to the user so that s/he may contact me with any questions and/or opportunities
- LinkedIn Profile: Find me on Linkedin
- GitHub Profile: Find me on GitHub
- E-mail Address: