[Bug]: jsx-no-leaked-render causes code to be incorrect by removing parentheses #3698
Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues and my issue is unique
- My issue appears in the command-line and not only in the text editor
Description Overview
I'm encountering an issue with a code transformation performed by the jsx-no-leaked-renderer.
Original condition: connection && (hasError || hasErrorUpdate)
Converted condition: (!!connection && hasError) || hasErrorUpdate
These conditions are not identical and produce different results for various inputs. For example, it will return different values for false, any, and true (respectively). In the first case it will return false, in the second it will return true.
Despite a reported issue and a pull request aimed at fixing this problem over a year ago, I'm still experiencing the same issue.
Am I missing something, or this is a bug?
Expected Behavior
I want to preserve original condition, or if it is converted, to be identical as original.
eslint-plugin-react version
eslint version
node version