This is simple pcg solver in c++ generated by chatgpt and modified after.
The objectif of this TP is not to understand the c++, but to practice git.
In fact, in the program, serveral lines were commented. What you need to do is to remove "//" before those lines to let the program output informations.
As there are several files, you can work in groupe (2 personnes) to achieve the efficiency.
One of the teammate forks this repository to his own git private repository.
This teammate invite the other teammate as a team member to work with him is this project.
After that, each teammate will do a "git clone" to get the private repository to his local repository after done a "git init" in his local repository.
Dev A removes the comments in pcg.cpp file to enable print ("//" before the "cout"); Dev B removes the comments in cg.cpp to enable print.
Each Dev commits their modifications.
Publish the new code to remote repository.
Update the local repository.
Dev A tests the output of pcg by adding the "//" in main before the cg solver, Dev B does the same thing but disable pcg solver.
Publish the new code to remote.
If you like : To compile to code, you need gcc compile
g++ *cpp -o a.out
To execute ./a.out