This C++ program uses the WinSock2 libaray to create a UDP scoket between two computers in order to send the location of the respected players marker (player 1 is 'X' and player 2 is 'O').
One key feature of the Tic Tac Toe Program is that the program has automatic checks in place to see if there is a winner, loser and a tie, and sends the appropriate message to the console
Another key feature is that Tic Tac Toe will automatically quit if a user takes to long to place a marker (this can be changed in the wait function call, by deafult is set to 20 seconds and 0 milliseconds). If the user takes to long to place a piece then the user is alerted that he has lost and the opponent has won the match by deafult, with respected message to conosle of respeted player.
Another key feature is that Tic Tac Toe has limits on what input can we accepeted, only ints can be accepted and ints only in the range of 1-9 (places on game board). When a user inputs a invailid input the user will be prompted that the input was not accept and will ask for another input.
Another key feature is that Tic Tac Toe will kepp track of who is playing who by logging the IP address of the player and when the program recives a UDP datagram it will compare it to the IP address in a varible in the program and if the IP address match Tic Tac Toe will continue to place marker on game board.
Visual Studio 2019-2022
- Clone this repo by pasting
git clone
into terminal - Open and new Visual Studio project
- Import the files in this repository
, andTicTacToe.h
- Run
Crtl + F5
- Input a name in the
What is your name
input - Select
to host a Tic Tac Toe game - Open another command propmt via
Crtl + F5
- Input a name in the
What is your name
input - Select
to challenge someone alrealy hosting a Tic Tac Toe game - Then you will need to input your IP address in the
What is your IP address:
box - Then you will need to input your subnet in the
What is your subnet address:
box - Then type
to accept challenge - Input a number 1 - 9 when prompted with
Where would you like to place marker:
- Keep placing markers untill you see
TIE ... boo
indicating a tie orYou lose
indicating you lost orYOU WIN
indicating that you won the game - Then select
if you like to host again, or select2
if you would like to challenge again or select3
to quit the program
What is your name? player2
Choose an option:
1 - Host a game of Tic-Tac-Toe
2 - Challenge someone else
3 - Quit
Enter 1, 2 or 3: 2
Looking for Tic Tac Toe servers...
What is your IP address?
What is your subnet mask?
Found Tic Tac Toe server: player1
Do you want to challenge player1? y
| |
1 | 2 | 3
| |
4 | 5 | 6
| |
7 | 8 | 9
| |
You are X's.
Where would you like to place piece? 5
What is your name? player1
Choose an option:
1 - Host a game of Tic-Tac-Toe
2 - Challenge someone else
3 - Quit
Enter 1, 2 or 3: 1
Waiting for a challenge...
Received: Who?
Sent: Name=player1
Received: Player=player2
You have been challenged by player2
| |
1 | 2 | 3
| |
4 | 5 | 6
| |
7 | 8 | 9
| |
... waiting for opponet ...