released this
18 Feb 10:02
[fix] implement (missing) PKey::DSA#params
[fix] authorityKeyIdentifier ext (general-name) value
[fix] authority keyid extension's :always part optional (#174 )
[fix] work-around for not setting certificate serial
raise a more friendly error (jruby/jruby#1691 )
[fix] not parsing RSA pub-key (#176 )
[feat] support reading DSA (public key) in full DER
[fix] RSA key DER format to closely follow OpenSSL
[fix] add missing ASN1 factory methods (Null, EndOfContent)
[fix] support getting password from block for PKeys
[fix] incorrect ASN.1 for wrapped Integer type
[fix] correct public key for subjectKeyIdentifier ext (#173 )
[fix] invalid Cert#sign handling -> raise (instead of ClassCastException)
[feat] more TLS (GCM) ciphers - supported on Java 8+
[feat] add ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 as supported cipher (#185 )
[feat] add support for ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (#187 )
[fix] try hard not to fail on unkown oids (OpenSSL::X509::Certificate#to_text)
update Bouncy-Castle to 1.62 (and handle supported BC compatibility)
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