A Python library for converting formal Diplomacy DAIDE Press language into human-readable glosses with tone. Some functions are exposed as JSON POST API endpoints.
This library is built with an OpenAI API, which is a paid service. An openai key is used for many functions in encoding and finetuning models. For more usage guidance around finetunes, see: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/fine-tuning
To use said functions, please assign your openai key to the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. If you do not have an openai key, you can still use the library, but you will not be able to finetune or encode models. Additionally, if you assign OPENAI_ORG, you can collaborate with teamates and share finetunes.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the Flask app locally,:
python -m pressgloss --operation app
Then visit
To translate a DAIDE expression:
python -m pressgloss --operation translate --daide "FRM (ENG) (FRA ITA) (PRP (PCE (FRA ITA)))" --tones "Haughty,Urgent"
To generate 10 random DAIDE expressions, with glosses (random tones will also be selected):
python -m pressgloss --operation random --number 10
To fine tune a model:
python -m pressgloss --operation finetune
To use a model to encode a DAIDE expression:
python -m pressgloss --operation encode --model (optional) --english "I think this proposal will help us both out. I offer a peace treaty between us. I think our interests are aligned for the time being." --tones "Friendly"
To validate a model, either finetuned or few-shot:
python -m pressgloss --operation validate --model (optional)
To get the usage instructions:
python -m pressgloss --help
- To see finetunes created by your organization:
- openai api fine_tunes.list
Translate a DAIDE expression into English using one or more tones.
{"daidetext": "FRM (FRA) (ITA) (PRP (PCE (FRA ITA)))", "tones": ["Friendly"]}
{"gloss": "I think this proposal will help us both out. I offer a peace treaty between us. I think our interests are aligned for the time being."}
Annotate a Diplomacy game log whose messages were largely in pure DAIDE to have English glosses in addition to the DAIDE.
A JSON game log directly from the online diplomacy game hosted by the TACC team.
Exactly the same game except that each message contains an English gloss of the DAIDE that was found there, or a note to explain why a gloss could not be generated.
Randomly generate a valid DAIDE expression. Good for testing.
The request can be empty but must be POST.
{"daide": "FRM (FRA) (ITA) (PRP (PCE (FRA ITA)))", "gloss": "I think this proposal will help us both out. I offer a peace treaty between us. I think our interests are aligned for the time being."}
To test, best to make sure coverage and unittest are installed, then from the parent directory, run
coverage run --source pressgloss -m unittest tests.test_basic