openwrt-scripts Public
OpenWrt scripts for USB 3.0, WPA3, SFTP, SMB, NFS, DDNS, SQM QoS, Acme, OpenVPN, IKEv2/IPsec, Adblock, Watchcat, mSMTP
docker-dynamic-dns Public
Docker Dynamic DNS to use Google Domains, DuckDNS, DynDNS, FreeDNS.afraid and NO-IP
docker-phpvirtualbox Public
Docker phpVirtualBox is a web interface that allows you to control remote VirtualBox instances v6.x
docker-certs-extraction Public
Docker to generate certificates based on Traefik docker from json file to crt, key, pem, pfx and like Neilpang/acme.sh
rpi-docker-owncloud Public
Raspberry PI install script w/ smb, docker, traefik, owncloud, glances, muximux
docker-htpc Public
HTPC media docker-compose based on Ubuntu with traefik, portainer, glances, vbox-http, muximux, qbittorrent, nzbget, jackett, radarr, sonarr, lidarr, emby, owncloud, onlyoffice, motioneye, iperf3
luci Public
Forked from openwrt/luciLuCI - OpenWrt Configuration Interface
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 8, 2021 -
Muximux Public
Forked from mescon/MuximuxA lightweight way to manage your HTPC
Less GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedNov 8, 2021