Be The Hero aims to connect NGOs (non-governmental organizations) to people willing to help through monetary values. This project was developed during the oministack 11.0 week provided by @ Rocketseat, where we developed a web and mobile application using a stack based on the javascript language.
The application consists of a web and a mobile hybrid application (Android / IOS). NGOs use the web application to register and expose their cases, that is, a description for each exposed case as well as the amount needed to resolve it. People willing to help make use of the mobile application to view the cases and contact the NGOs to make donations.
Web Aplication |
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Mobile Aplication | ||
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Data base:
- SQLite 3 - version 4.1.1
- Knex query builder - version 0.20.13
Backend, is a resful API built with:
- Express framework - version 4.17.1
- Cors - version 2.8.5
- celebrate with joi, for route validation - version 12.2.0
- cross-env - 7.0.2
- nodemon as a dev depedency for fast reloads - version 2.0.2
Web aplication:
- React framework - version 16.13.1
- Axios for https requests - version 0.19.2
- Others
Mobile aplication:
- React Native - version 38.0.2
- Expo - version 38.0.8
- Others
Automated unit and integration tests:
- Jest - version 26.4.2
- Supertest fot https request in test enviroment - version 4.0.2
To run this project install Node.js on your machine, version 12.15.0 or higher. after insttal fallow the steps (On root of the project, using a terminal of your choice):
cd backend
npm i
npm start
cd frontend
npm i
npm start
On Android: 1.install Expo Apk from play store on your mobile device.
2.On root of the project, using a terminal of your choice:
npm install -g expo-cli
cd mobile
npm i
npm start
- Open expo app and scan the QR Code shown on your browser (note: you must have internet connection).
Dowloand Apk: betheherojm.apk
List of features
- Registration of NGOs
- NGOs authentication
- NGOs can add cases with a detailed description and required value
- View list of cases
- Contact NGOs by Whatsapp
- Contact NGOs by email
Project is: finished, all the expected features were covered.
This project was developed during the oministack 11.0 week provided by Rocketseat. *Instructor: Diego Fernandes | CTO Rocketseat
Created by @jossiasmupandza - feel free to contact me!