See to build
Cape Rentals is a rental property application to connect current and future Cape Girardeau residents to potential landlords. Cape Rentals utilizes public data collected by the city to create public listings of registered rental properties.
Citizens can view properties by their location on a map. They can view ameneties, images and landlord information.
Landlords can sign up using their Licenser ID (issued by the City when registering their properties) and edit their property information to attract potential clients. Landlords can list information about the property, current pricing, and post photos of the space.
View other properties registered to you
Add and edit information to attract clients
With proper funding, here's the direction I would take this app:
- Filters
- The map should allow searching/filtering for keywords and ameneties such as "outdoor pool" and "2+ bedrooms"
- Design
- Building beautful websites is my specialty. Designing beautiful websites is not. I would hire a contract designer to increase the appeal of the site