git clone ~/.config/yozora && cd ~/.config/yozora
# Install the dotfiles
bash shell/bash/ --download
If you sourced the bashrc file with: source ~/.bashrc
then you can use the following command to update the package collection:
update # This will update the base packages
update <collection-name> # This will update the specified collection
update --list # This will list all the available collections
update --all # This will update all the collections
You can use the following command to update the bashrc and the other bashrc related files (bash_aliases, bash_functions, bash_exports, bash_profile, bash_prompt, bashrc, bashrc.d):
brc # This will update the bashrc file from the repository
refresh # This will refresh (source) the bashrc file
brc --upload # This will upload the local bashrc file to the repository
# These commands will store the result in a json file under ~/.yozora/
checkupdates official # This will check for updates for the official packages in all of the components
checkupdates aur # This will check for updates for the aur packages in all of the components
You can retrieve the string of the packages using the core scripts:
.$YOZORA_PATH/tools/package-manager/ <string|count> # This will return the string of the official packages
gclone <repo-name> # This is used to clone repositories from any specified host or github (default). If there is no user specified then it will clone the repository from the current user (whoami)
gclone <repo-name> <user-name> # This is used to clone repositories from any specified host or github (default). If there is a user specified then it will clone the repository from the specified user
gclone <repo-name> <user-name> <host-name> # This is used to clone repositories from any specified host or github (default). If there is a user and host specified then it will clone the repository from the specified user and host
gclone <repo-name> <user-name> <host-name> [is_ssh] # This is used to clone repositories from any specified host or github (default). If there is a user and host specified then it will clone the repository from the specified user and host. If the is_ssh is set to true then it will use the ssh protocol to clone the repository
- Add switchable work environment: wayland to xorg
- Improve the readme: more about the core update checker