A little JavaScript framework — Version 0.1.3
Petit is a little JavaScript framework, built around the concept of using as few methods as possible to manipulate the DOM, while basing the implementation of those methods on their arguments.
For example, to get an attribute of an element, one could theoretically implement a method like this:
However, petit simply uses a .get()
method, which can return any number of things, depending on the arguments passed to it:
var div = _('div'),
foo = div.get('data-foo'),
color = div.get('color');
This doesn't mean there's anything wrong with more specific methods, like .attr()
. One can simply extend the library, as such:
(function() {
_.fn.attr = function() {
var len = arguments.length,
attribute = arguments[0],
if( len > 0 ) {
if( len === 1 ) {
return this[0].getAttribute(attribute);
} else if( len === 2 ) {
value = arguments[1];
return this.each(function(el) {
div.attr('class') // ==> 'foo'
The most current stable source is in: src --> petit(.min).js
A brief intro
Select an element:
By ID: _('#foo')
By class: _('.bar')
By name: _('@baz')
By tag: _('div')
With querySelectorAll
: _('*.center > div#foo')
var div = _('div');
var div = _('div');
// select the element with index 0 relative to its matched set
// select all elements with an index greater than 0 relative to the matched set
div.filter(function(el) {
return el.get('index') > 0;
// filter elements by selector
div.filter( _('.sidebar') );
Some getters/setters/checkers:
var div = _('div');
// get something from the first matched element in the set
div.get('text') // ==> 'Hello World!'
div.get('html') // ==> 'Hello World!<br>'
div.get('value') // ==> works on form elements, not divs
div.get('tag') // ==> DIV
div.get('index') // ==> 0
div.get('states') // ==> returns a 'states' object (see .set())
div.get('background-color') // ==> rgb(0,0,0)
div.get('style','background-color') // ==> rgb(0,0,0)
div.get('id') // ==> #firstDiv
div.get('attr','id') // ==> #firstDiv
// note: you can use camel-case (backgroundColor) or dashed properties (background-color)
div.get('state','open') // ==> true
// set things on all elements in the matched set
div.set('text','foo\nbar') // use \n for linebreaks
div.set('class','remove:foo') // remove a class
div.set('class','add:bar') // add a class
div.set('class','toggle:woah') // toggle a class
style: {
color: 'purple',
fontSize: 20
attr: {
data-foo: 'bar'
// see if the first element in the matched set has something
div.has('children') // ==> 2
div.has('text') // ==> true
div.has( _('input') ) // ==> true
div.has('hello world!') // ==> true
div.has('hello world!<br>') // ==> true
div.has('attr','data-foo') // ==> true
div.has('html','hello world!<br>') // ==> true
div.has('text','hello world!') // ==> true
div.has('class','woah') // ==> true
// check the state of the first matched element in the set
div.is('open') // ==> true
div.is('awesome') // ==> also true
Helper method, .each():
var divColors = [];
div.each(function(element,index) {
colors.push( element.get('color') );
console.log(index) // ==> 0, 1, 2, etc.
Attach or remove an event handler:
div.on('click', function(e) { console.log(e.target) });
// e is passed in as window.event (for IE6-8) or as an event object in all other browsers
// delegate events for dynamic content
div.on('click', 'input', function() { console.log(true) });
// note: you can add multiple event handlers to DOM elements
States explained:
The idea behind the states
object is to be able to assign human-readable states to an object. Say we have a panel, and we want to toggle the panel's visibility. Instead of checking if( panel.get('display') === none )
, we can first instead set the state of the panel based on whether it's open or closed:
// then later...
if( panel.is('open') ) {
// close the panel
Only recommended for production use in IE9 and up and all other current versions of widely-used browsers
- Tested and functional in latest versions of Chrome, FireFox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer (desktop versions)
- Tested and functional in latest version of FireFox and Opera (mobile versions)
- Buggy in IE8 and below
31 March 2014
- Selector engine updated for correct IE8 'getElementsByClassName' polyfill (previous version was non-functional)
- .has() method updated - now correctly returns a numerical value when a Petit object is passed in as the sole argument
29 March 2014
- Better support for IE, including IE8 and below (however, only recommeded for production use in IE9+ and all other major browsers)
- .get() method revised to prevent unwanted behavior
25 March 2014
- Better IE8 compatibility in selector engine (using document.getElementsByTagName polyfill)
- .children() method, which retrieves all children, grand-children, etc.
- No support to detach anonymous event handlers from elements (however, one can remove named handlers since
for IE<9) - Would like to be able to link
and events together, potentially using the publish/subscribe pattern - Need more traversal methods (
) - Does not support any sort of animation methods
- Selector engine is minimal and requires the use of
for CSS-style selectors - .get(cssproperty) does not normalize vendor prefixes or opacity
- Event delegation utilizing the
method does not work on dynamically created elements
License under The MIT License - © 2014, Joshua Beam