browserify tree shaking plugin using @indutny's common-shake
Comments out unused exports from CommonJS modules.
With input files:
// math.js
exports.min = function (a, b) { return a < b ? a : b }
exports.max = function (a, b) { return a < b ? b : a }
// app.js
var math = require('./math')
console.log(math.max(10, 20))
This plugin will rewrite the files to:
// math.js
/* common-shake removed: exports.min = */ void function (a, b) { return a < b ? a : b }
exports.max = function (a, b) { return a < b ? b : a }
// app.js
var math = require('./math')
console.log(math.max(10, 20))
Use a minifier on the output to remove the exports entirely.
npm install --save-dev common-shakeify
With the browserify cli:
browserify -p common-shakeify /my/app.js > bundle.js
# Minify
uglify-js bundle.js --compress > bundle.min.js
With the browserify Node API:
var commonShake = require('common-shakeify')
var b = browserify({ entries: '/my/app.js' })
.plugin(commonShake, { /* options */ })
// Minify & save
var uglify = require('minify-stream')
Note that using a minifier transform like uglifyify doesn't eliminate the commented-out exports. Transforms run before common-shakeify, so you have to use a minifier on the final bundle to remove the unused exports.
When true, print messages to stderr when exports are deleted, or the tree-shaker bails out on a module.
Default false.
The verbose
flag only works when no custom handlers are passed, so if you're using eg. a custom onExportDelete
you have to print these messages manually.
$ browserify -p [ common-shakeify -v ] app.js > bundle.js
common-shake: removed `decode` in node_modules/vlq/dist/vlq.js:10:7
common-shake: bailed out: `module.exports` assignment in node_modules/process-nextick-args/index.js:20:3
Handler called for every exported identifier that is being removed.
is the path to the file that exports the identifier. exportName
is the name of the identifier.
Handler called when a module cannot be tree-shaked for some reason.
is the Module object from common-shake.
is an array of reasons that caused this module to be deoptimised.
Handler called when tree-shaking is skipped entirely, usually because there is a dynamic require
call in the source.
is an array of reasons for skipping tree-shaking.