Local magnetization
Static correlation functions
Dynamical correlator function
Excited states
Execute the script "install.sh", afterwards you just have to write in the terminal "spinflare"
The compilation requires a modern C++ compiler and lapack libraries
The library relies on several Python libraries, a simple way of getting all the dependencies is by installing Anaconda Python.
For using this program in Windows, the easiest solution is to create a virtual machine using Virtual Box, installing a version of Ubuntu in that virtual machine, and following the previous instructions.
At least g++ version 6 or higher
sudo apt-get install make
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-10
sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev
The example below shows the calculations of the dynamical structure factor of a Heisenberg chain with S=1 and 48 sites. This computation shows the emergence of the bulk Haldane gap and the gapless fractionalizated edge modes.
The example below shows the local magnetization for a Heisenberg chain of S=1/2, with a local magnetic field in the x direction applied on the first site. Due to the quantum disordered ground state, it is observed a decay of the magnetization as we go further from the edge site. The decay is a power-law due to the gapless nature of the system.
The example below shows the non-local correlator (in log scale) between the edge and the different sites for a Heisenberg chain of S=1 (with S=1/2 in the edge to lift the topological modes). Due to the many-body gap of the system, the correlator decays exponentially with distance as seen in the plot.