Plugins organized by section and ordered alphabetically.
- Learning Vim
- Plugin Management
- Colors
- Tools
- Language Specific
- Framework Specific
- Distributions
- Websites
- Contributing
- License
- Seven habits of effective text editing
- The Way of the Vim Warrior
- Learn Vimscript the Hard Way
- Vim Adventures
- Vim Genius
- Vim Tips
- Fortune vimtips
- Vim Galore
- Abolish
- Align
- DelimitMate
- EditorConfig
- ExpandRegion
- Gundo
- IndentGuides
- NerdCommenter
- Repeat
- Surround
- Tabular
- Targets
- TComment
- TextobjIndent
- TextobjUser
- TextobjWordColumn
- Unimpaired
- VisualSplit
- YankStack
- Ack
- CtrlP
- FlyGrep
- fzf (highly recommended to use fd and ripgrep)
- vim-codequery
- Please read the contribution guidelines
Shameless plug for my vimrc akrawchyk/dotfiles.