Command line application for changing all filenames in a folder to a neater format for tv shows
npm install -g show-filename-fixer
cd into the desired folder and run
Tidys up ugly downloaded show filenames. Eg dj.kHaLed.S01E01.Torrent.DoWnLoAdEd.from.mp4 becomes S01E01.mp4
If you specify a show name, fixer will add the episode name to the filename. Run:
fixer --show="American Dad!"
Unfortuanately, due to the API from tv maze, you have to use the exact name eg "American Dad!" Instead of "american dad" <= Note the exclimation mark. Will fix this when i find a better solution. In the meantime you can get the exact show names from
This will change dj.kHaLed.S01E01.Torrent.DoWnLoAdEd.from.mp4 to S01E01 - Pilot.mp4