Intelipost is a simple, fast and secure shipping and logistics gateway API. You can sign up for an account at
There are two ways to install:
Require Library
or via Composer:
Create or add the following to composer.json in your project root:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"intelipost/api-php": "dev-master"
Install composer dependancies:
php composer.phar install
Require dependencies:
Up-to-date documentation at:
2016-02-10 | Intelipost
- Origin zip code to create a shipment order
- ApiKey as parameter on LoadConfigs method
2015-09-30 | Intelipost
- Get CEP - Auto Complete
- Get Activated Delivery Methods
- Get Quote
- Quote by Volume
- Get Label
- Create Shipment Order
- Get Shipment Order
- Cancel Shipment Order
- Mark Multiple Shipment Orders as "Shipped"
- Mark Multiple Shipment Orders as "Ready for Shipment"
- Webhook
2014-07-07 | Pablo del Vecchio
- changed basic log format
2014-07-07 | Pablo del Vecchio
- added round_trip network time
2014-06-23 | Pablo del Vecchio
- added response model
2014-04-28 | Pablo del Vecchio
- updated quote example
2014-03-24 | Pablo del Vecchio
- changed base folder
2014-03-18 | Pablo del Vecchio
- updated composer.json
2014-03-18 | Pablo del Vecchio
- added timeout fallback
2014-03-11 | Pablo del Vecchio
- initial commit