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Add Julia port of cbrt from Openlibm.
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pkofod authored and ararslan committed Jul 20, 2018
1 parent e7acea7 commit ff0de87
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Showing 4 changed files with 158 additions and 19 deletions.
24 changes: 22 additions & 2 deletions base/math.jl
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Expand Up @@ -277,14 +277,13 @@ asinh(x::Number)
Accurately compute ``e^x-1``.
for f in (:cbrt, :exp2, :expm1)
for f in (:exp2, :expm1)
@eval begin
($f)(x::Float64) = ccall(($(string(f)),libm), Float64, (Float64,), x)
($f)(x::Float32) = ccall(($(string(f,"f")),libm), Float32, (Float32,), x)
($f)(x::Real) = ($f)(float(x))
# fallback definitions to prevent infinite loop from $f(x::Real) def above

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1032,7 +1031,28 @@ end
cbrt(a::Float16) = Float16(cbrt(Float32(a)))
sincos(a::Float16) = Float16.(sincos(Float32(a)))

# helper functions for Libm functionality

Return the high word of `x` as a `UInt32`.
@inline highword(x::Float64) = highword(reinterpret(UInt64, x))
@inline highword(x::UInt64) = (x >>> 32) % UInt32
@inline highword(x::Float32) = reinterpret(UInt32, x)

Return positive part of the high word of `x` as a `UInt32`.
@inline poshighword(x::Float64) = poshighword(reinterpret(UInt64, x))
@inline poshighword(x::UInt64) = highword(x) & 0x7fffffff
@inline poshighword(x::Float32) = highword(x) & 0x7fffffff

# More special functions
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114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions base/special/cbrt.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# ====================================================
# Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software is freely granted, provided that this notice
# is preserved.
# ====================================================
# Optimized by Bruce D. Evans.

# s_cbrT.c -- float version of s_cbrt.c.
# Conversion to float by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support,
# Debugged and optimized by Bruce D. Evans.

cbrt(x::Real) = cbrt(float(x))

const cbrt_B1_32 = 0x2a5119f2 # UInt32(709958130) # B1 = (127-127.0/3-0.03306235651)*2**23
const cbrt_B1_64 = 0x2a9f7893 # UInt32(715094163) # B1 = (1023-1023/3-0.03306235651)*2**20

const cbrt_B2_32 = 0x265119f2 # UInt32(642849266) # B2 = (127-127.0/3-24/3-0.03306235651)*2**23
const cbrt_B2_64 = 0x297f7893 # UInt32(696219795) # B2 = (1023-1023/3-54/3-0.03306235651)*2**20

cbrt_t(::Type{Float64}) = 1.8014398509481984e16# 2.0^54
cbrt_t(::Type{Float32}) = 1.6777216f7 ## 2f0^24

cbrt_t_from_words(::Type{Float32}, high) = reinterpret(Float32, (div(high & 0x7fffffff, 0x00000003))+cbrt_B2_32)
cbrt_t_from_words_alt(::Type{Float32}, hx) = reinterpret(Float32, (div(hx, 0x00000003) + cbrt_B1_32))

cbrt_t_from_words(::Type{Float64}, high) = reinterpret(Float64, UInt64((div(high & 0x7fffffff, 0x00000003)+cbrt_B2_64))<<32)
cbrt_t_from_words_alt(::Type{Float64}, hx) = reinterpret(Float64, UInt64((div(hx, 0x00000003) + cbrt_B1_64))<<32)

function cbrt(x::Tf) where Tf <: Union{Float32, Float64}
# mathematically cbrt(x) is defined as the real number y such that y^3 == x

if isnan(x) || isinf(x)
return x

# rough cbrt to 5 bits

# cbrt(2**e*(1+m) ~= 2**(e/3)*(1+(e%3+m)/3)
# where e is integral and >= 0, m is real and in [0, 1), and "/" and
# "%" are integer division and modulus with rounding towards minus
# infinity. The RHS is always >= the LHS and has a maximum relative
# error of about 1 in 16. Adding a bias of -0.03306235651 to the
# (e%3+m)/3 term reduces the error to about 1 in 32. With the IEEE
# floating point representation, for finite positive normal values,
# ordinary integer divison of the value in bits magically gives
# almost exactly the RHS of the above provided we first subtract the
# exponent bias and later add it back. We do the
# subtraction virtually to keep e >= 0 so that ordinary integer
# division rounds towards minus infinity; this is also efficient.

if x == zero(Tf)
return x # cbrt(+-0) is itself
elseif issubnormal(x) # zero or subnormal?
t = x*cbrt_t(Tf)
high = highword(t)
t = copysign(cbrt_t_from_words(Tf, high), x)
hw = poshighword(x)
t = copysign(cbrt_t_from_words_alt(Tf, hw), x)

if Tf == Float32
# First step Newton iteration (solving t*t-x/t == 0) to 16 bits. In
# double precision so that its terms can be arranged for efficiency
# without causing overflow or underflow.

T = Float64(t)
r = T*T*T
T = T*(Float64(x) + x + r)/(x + r + r)

# Second step Newton iteration to 47 bits. In double precision for
# efficiency and accuracy.
r = T*T*T
T = T*(Float64(x) + x + r)/(x + r + r)

return Float32(T)
elseif Tf == Float64
# New cbrt to 23 bits:
# cbrt(x) = t*cbrt(x/t**3) ~= t*P(t**3/x)
# where P(r) is a polynomial of degree 4 that approximates 1/cbrt(r)
# to within 2**-23.5 when |r - 1| < 1/10. The rough approximation
# has produced t such than |t/cbrt(x) - 1| ~< 1/32, and cubing this
# gives us bounds for r = t**3/x.

r = (t*t)*(t/x)
t = t*(@horner(r, 1.87595182427177009643, -1.88497979543377169875, 1.621429720105354466140) +
((r*r)*r)*(@horner(r, -0.758397934778766047437, 0.145996192886612446982)))

# Round t away from zero to 23 bits (sloppily except for ensuring that
# the result is larger in magnitude than cbrt(x) but not much more than
# 2 23-bit ulps larger). With rounding towards zero, the error bound
# would be ~5/6 instead of ~4/6. With a maximum error of 2 23-bit ulps
# in the rounded t, the infinite-precision error in the Newton
# approximation barely affects third digit in the final error
# 0.667; the error in the rounded t can be up to about 3 23-bit ulps
# before the final error is larger than 0.667 ulps.

u = reinterpret(UInt64, t)
u = (u + 0x80000000) & UInt64(0xffffffffc0000000)
t = reinterpret(Float64, u)

# one step Newton iteration to 53 bits with error < 0.667 ulps
s = t*t # t*t is exact
r = x/s # error <= 0.5 ulps; |r| < |t|
w = t + t # t+t is exact
r = (r - t)/(w + r) # r-t is exact; w+r ~= 3*t
t = muladd(t, r, t) # error <= 0.5 + 0.5/3 + epsilon
return t
17 changes: 0 additions & 17 deletions base/special/rem_pio2.jl
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Expand Up @@ -44,23 +44,6 @@ const INV_2PI = UInt64[

Return the high word of `x` as a `UInt32`.
@inline highword(x::UInt64) = unsafe_trunc(UInt32,x >> 32)
@inline highword(x::Float64) = highword(reinterpret(UInt64, x))

Return positive part of the high word of `x` as a `UInt32`.
@inline poshighword(x::UInt64) = unsafe_trunc(UInt32,x >> 32)&0x7fffffff
@inline poshighword(x::Float32) = reinterpret(UInt32, x)&0x7fffffff
@inline poshighword(x::Float64) = poshighword(reinterpret(UInt64, x))

@inline function cody_waite_2c_pio2(x::Float64, fn, n)
pio2_1 = 1.57079632673412561417e+00
pio2_1t = 6.07710050650619224932e-11
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions test/math.jl
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Expand Up @@ -956,6 +956,28 @@ float(x::FloatWrapper) = x
@test isa(cos(z), Complex)

@testset "cbrt" begin
for T in (Float32, Float64)
@test cbrt(zero(T)) === zero(T)
@test cbrt(-zero(T)) === -zero(T)
@test cbrt(one(T)) === one(T)
@test cbrt(-one(T)) === -one(T)
@test cbrt(T(Inf)) === T(Inf)
@test cbrt(-T(Inf)) === -T(Inf)
@test isnan_type(T, cbrt(T(NaN)))
for x in (pcnfloat(nextfloat(nextfloat(zero(T))))...,
0.45, 0.6, 0.98,
map(x->x^3, 1.0:1.0:1024.0)...,
nextfloat(-T(Inf)), prevfloat(T(Inf)))
by = cbrt(big(T(x)))
@test cbrt(T(x)) by rtol=eps(T)
bym = cbrt(big(T(-x)))
@test cbrt(T(-x)) bym rtol=eps(T)

isdefined(Main, :TestHelpers) || @eval Main include("TestHelpers.jl")
using .Main.TestHelpers: Furlong
@test hypot(Furlong(0), Furlong(0)) == Furlong(0.0)
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