This is based on the Purescript-Concur + Webpack starter pack
git submodule update --init --recursive
This step is only required if you make changes to the protocol!
First build the Scribble tool
docker build -t scribble-java scribble-java
Out protocol is described in Game.scr
docker run -v
:/repo scribble-java -d /repo/web/src/ /repo/Game.scr -api-ps BattleShips
stack build
Start the Battleships game server
stack exec server
spago build
yarn start
At the end of the previous command, you will have a development server which will watch for changes, and automatically reload the web page. This mechanism only works with JS changes.
However, in practice, your IDE should automatically recompile Purescript to Javascript on every change, which will be picked up by the development server. So you get immediate recompilation even with Purescript.
yarn build