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Logtif is a small library that can help you during exploratory tests.

You are not always in front of your computer and connected to adb looking at your logcat.

That's where Logtif enters the party.

Logtif allows you to easily create a notification to display some INFO, WARNING or ERROR messages.


Add Jitpack in your repositories:

In Groovy:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

In Kotlin:

repositories {
    maven { url = uri("")

Add the Logtif dependency:

In Groovy:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.jonathanklee:Logtif:VERSION'

In Kotlin:

dependencies {


Initialize Logtif:

Logtif.init(context, "MyAppChannel")

Log some messages:

Logtif.log(Logtif.ERROR, "App reached an invalid state %d", state)

To activate Logtif, you need to write a global setting with the following adb command:

adb shell settings put global logtif 1

then close and restart your application so that the system property is taken into account.

đź“ť For Android >= 13, make sure that the application using Logtig has requested the runtime permission android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS


Notification icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon