A small lib to help with some geolocation calcualtions
It's a simple port of https://github.com/jonatasrancan/navigate
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: jonatasrancan/crystal_navigate
require "crystal_navigate"
# the firs param is the latitude, second is the longitude
position1 = position(80.0, 120.0)
position2 = position(90.0, 45.0)
distance(position1, position2)
=> 1111.9508372419155
By default the function will return the distane in kilometers
It has a third optional param, to define the unit of the return
distance(position1, position2, EarthRadius::NM)
=> 600.4054799908141
Available units
module EarthRadius
KM = 6_371.009
MI = 3_958.761
NM = 3_440.070
YD = 6_967_420.00
FT = 20_902_260.00
position1 = position(-90.0, 180.0)
position2 = position(90.0, 45.0)
bearing(position1, position2)
=> 292.5
position1 = position(-90.0, 180.0)
destination(position1, 90.0, 100.00)
=> #<CrystalNavigate::Position:0xa44fa0 @latitude=-62.96579828082695, @longitude=-128.5287628698549>
By default the function will use kilometer as the default value as distance unit
It has a fourth optional param, to define the unit of the ditance
destination(position1, 90.0, 100.00, EarthRadius::NM)
=> #<CrystalNavigate::Position:0x2305f60 @latitude=-62.596039650729324, @longitude=-129.99604694903127>
- Fork it ( https://github.com/jonatasrancan/crystal_navigate/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Make sure you changes are ok
crystal spec
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- jonatasrancan Jônatas Rancan - creator, maintainer