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Astro Async-Loader

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Folder Structure

├── .vscode/                    # VS Code settings folder
│   ├── settings.json           # Workspace settings
│   └── extensions.json         # Recommended extensions to install
├── example/                    # Preview Your component here
├── src/                        # Your component source code
│   ├── Component.astro         # Example component file
│   └── main.ts                 # Example source code file
├── test/                       # Your component tests
│   └── example.test.js         # Example tests
└── index.ts                    # Should contain all the exports your component provide to users

ESLint, Prettier and EditorConfig settings are respectively located in the following files: .eslintrc.js, .prettierrc.js and .editorconfig at the root of this template project.


The following npm scripts are provided to lint and format your project:

Command Action
npm run test Run tests using Mocha
npm run format Format your project using Prettier, this edits files in-place
npm run lint Lint your project using ESLint
npm run dev Run dev inside example project

In VS Code, you can access those commands in the Explorer in the NPM Scripts section.