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Tags: joinmassive/SPCDNS



Toggle v2.0.9-win's commit message


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Merge pull request #3 from magicinternet/export-all-functions

Added export attribute to all the functions


Toggle v2.0.8-win's commit message
Fixed platform


Toggle v2.0.7-win's commit message
Pretiffy CMakeLists.txt


Toggle v2.0.6-win's commit message
Pretiffy CMakeLists.txt


Toggle v2.0.5's commit message
Bug fix---it's always the rockspecs that get me

I can never seem to get the rockspecs down pat the first time a major change
is required.  Never!  I'm getting this love/hate relationship with


Toggle v2.0.4's commit message
Bug fix---Github deprecated git: URIs, so the rockspec is out of date

Sigh.  The inexorable march of so called "progress".


Toggle v2.0.3's commit message
Bug fix---fix invalid read of memory

Alper Akcan ( found the following bug with the
following data:


There are three reasons I didn't just pull his request directly from github:

1) When I did that the repository on my end (which *is* the master
repository, *not* the github one) got into a state where I could no longer
push to github;

2) I needed to update the Makefile and rockspec to reflect the new version.
Yes, I could have probably done this as a separate patch, but I would rather
keep try to keep things as minimal as possible.

3) His commit message didn't follow the format I use.


Toggle v2.0.2's commit message
Bug fix---fix support for Windows/mingw

There was a typo on the Windows include file.  It's "winsock2.h", not
"windock2.h".  Sigh.


Toggle v2.0.1's commit message
Bug fix---add support for Windows/mingw

Thanks to Alper Akcan for reporting this issue and sending the patch.  I
didn't accept the patch as is as it included much white space patches I
didn't want, and what I did want didn't match the coding style I use.  But
the patch that was required was small enough to add by hand.

There was also more changes required for a 2.0.1 release, like updating the
Makefile and Lua rockspec.


Toggle v2.0.0's commit message
The "Encode All The RRs!" Version