It is a search engine application that concerns twitter posts posted during the two-year quarantine. It has been developed with Java-Java Swing and also uses the Apache Lucene library. It allows the user to be able to type in a field the search term and see the results in the window just like in google divided into tabs as well as redirected to twitter in case he clicks on a result, he can also sort them by relevance, time etc. It uses the MVC pattern. It has easy-to-use graphical interface. The program is packaged in an .exe file.
Regarding the detailed implementation of workshop, the details are listed in the report of workshop separately in pdf
- Eclipse IDE 2020-12
- back-end: Java 11.0.17
- front-end: Java Swing
- CSV parsing: opencsv-5.4
- Seaching: Apache lucene 8.8.2