We’ve been exploring using Stimulus to add interactivity to our apps. Let’s use Stimulus to watch for typing changes, and convert an [emoji short code] into the actual glyph, such as :smiley:
to 😀
I’ve [uploaded my code to Github], so you can follow along with an actual Rails project if you’re ever stuck, or ask me[ on twitter].
Let’s create a new rails app (using rails 5.2.0.rc2):
rails new trix_emoji --webpack=stimulus
We’re going to add a controller called Documents and a show method on it. We need to add the appropriate routes in routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resource :document
And the controller, documents_controller.rb
class DocumentsController < ApplicationController
def show
And we’ll add a view, documents/show.html.erb
<h1>Trix Emoji Converter 2000</h1>
Let’s add Trix to our package.json
file with Yarn:
$ yarn add trix
Then, we’ll add Trix to our webpack root file, javascripts/packs/applications.js
import "trix/dist/trix.css";
import { Trix } from "trix"
The first line imports the CSS for the trix-editor
element, and the next line imports the Javascript code that makes the editor run.
You’ll want to make sure to add the webpacker stylesheet and javascript tags to layouts/application.html.erb
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
<%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
And now we can add our Trix Editor to our html:
Let’s add the proper annotations to our HTML for our Trix controller:
<trix-editor data-controller="emoji-converter"
The editor will be a target for the controller so that we can filter out events that might not correspond the current controller instance. Here is the skeleton code for the emoji_converter_controller.js
import { Controller } from "stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["editor"]
connect() {
window.addEventListener("trix-change", this.trixChange.bind(this))
trixChange(event) {
if (event.target == this.editorTarget) {
When the controller connects to the dom, it starts listening for the trix-change
event, which is fired after a change occurs in a trix editor. We make sure that the change is from our controller’s editor, and then we’ll scan through the text to look for the emoji short codes.
Inside the trixChange
function, we’ll go through every character of the editor’s text, and we’ll see if we find a short code. If we find a one, we’ll see if we have the short code to emoji mapping. If we have a mapping, we’ll replace the text, and stop scanning, because replacing the text is going to create another change event, which will allow us to look again very shortly.
Let’s add a small set of supported emojis to our controller, by creating a dictionary in our connect method:
connect() {
window.addEventListener("trix-change", this.trixChange.bind(this))
this.supportedEmojis = {
":smiley:" : "😀",
":stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:" : "😜",
":bowtie:" : "🤵",
Then in the change method, we’ll process each change and look for a short code.
trixChange(event) {
if (event.target == this.editorTarget) {
We’re going to get the text of the document from our editor:
let stringDoc = this.editorTarget.editor.getDocument().toString()
We’ll set up some variables to keep track of what we’ve found as we go over the string:
var foundItem = false
var foundStart = -1
var foundText = ""
// Iterating over every 16 bit unicode character,
// since `for (var letter of stringDoc)` method won't work
// in this particular situation.
for (var count = 0; count<stringDoc.length; count++) {
We’ll look at every letter, and check to see if it’s a colon (:) character:
let letter = stringDoc[count];
if (letter == ":") {
if (foundItem) {
foundText += letter
If we found a supported emoji, we’ll replace the short code. Otherwise, we’ll ignore it, and keep looking. We also keep track of a new colon character, and any text we find between colons.
let emoji = this.supportedEmojis[foundText]
if (emoji) {
this.editorTarget.editor.setSelectedRange([foundStart, count + 1])
return // break out and wait for next trix-change event
} else {
foundItem = false
foundStart = -1
foundText = ""
} else {
foundItem = true
foundStart = count
foundText = letter
} else if (foundItem) {
// If we come across a space, it's not a supported emoji, so reset
if (letter == " ") {
foundItem = false
foundStart = -1
foundText = ""
} else {
foundText += letter
And now Trix will convert short codes into Emoji!
This is a fun and simple example, but I imagine it could be used for more complicated interactivity, like looking for @username values, or automatically linking to anther project.
Again, You can find all the code on Github here: https://github.com/johnbeatty/trix\_emoji and let me know how it worked on twitter: https://twitter.com/@jpbeatty