Explorations in Machine Learning
Installing jupyter and extensions
- pip[3] install [--user --upgrade] jupyter
- Installing extensions
- clone https://github.com/ipython-contrib/IPython-notebook-extensions to <ipy-ext-dir>
- go to (ipython-extensions)[https://github.com/ipython-contrib/IPython-notebook-extensions/wiki/Home-4.x-(Jupyter)]
- scroll down to the part about finding nbextensions directory and find the path of the directory.
- Say <jup_data_dir> is the fullpath to it
- On ubuntu, it might be "~/.local/share/jupyter/" if jupyter was installed using the --user switch of pip install
- On OSX, it might be "~/Library/Jupyter/extensions"
- cd
- cp -R nbextensions/ <jup_data_dir>/
- cp -R extensions/ <jup_data_dir>/
- cp -R templates/ <jup_data_dir>/
Using pyspark with ipython notebook