The exam-schedular-system repository contains the code for an Exam Scheduling Application that seamlessly integrates with Africa's Talking SMS APIs. This application facilitates exam registration for college students. The project is built using the Django framework, utilizing HTML templates, Bootstrap, and CSS for the frontend, and Python for the backend.
To manage courses, exams, students, teachers, and parents, the admin can log into the website and access the respective tabs within the dashboard.
Follow the steps below to run the Africa's Talking simulator:
- Create an account at Africa's Talking - africa's talking!.
- Navigate to the Africa's Talking sandbox and click 'Go To Sandbox App'.
- Launch the simulator and enter the phone number of the student.
- Repeat the same process to have two running simulators, and add the parent's phone number in the second simulator.
- Proceed to register a student for an exam. You should receive a text message about the registration on the simulators.
Follow the steps below to set up and run the web app:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Change into the project directory:
cd exam-schedular-system
Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
- Windows:
- Windows:
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the database:
python makemigrations
Apply database changes:
python migrate
Configure Africa's Talking SMS API and Africa's Talking API: Please refer to this link for detailed instructions: Integrating Africa's Talking APIs into the Hospital Management System
Run the server:
python runserver <port_number>
For example:
python runserver 3000
Access the site on your localhost: Follow the instructions provided on the home page to start using the site.