A Personal PortFolio Websites
My names are John Makola, I'm a Software Engineer with 5 years’ experience in design building and supporting software solutions for a variety of use cases ranging from: individuals, small, medium sized, and corporates businesses, Non-Governmental and Governmental institutions. My Tech Stack skills includes: React Js, Next Js, Javascript, Typescript, Python Node.Js, expressJs, GraphQl, Flask Apollo Server, REST APIs, and SQL and NoSQL databases.
Throughout my career, I have developed and maintained various web applications using modern frontend frameworks such as React .Js and Next Js. I have extensive experience in REST APIs, including designing and implementing scalable and reliable web app architectures that integrate with different modern databases. My passion for software engineering and my love for learning new technologies has allowed me to stay up to date with the latest industry trends and best practices, which I have leveraged to create high-performing web applications.
This project Uses -NextJs -ReactJs -BootStrap -NodeMailer
Check out our johnmakola for more details. "# johnmakola"