A simple app that downloads your Goodreads to-read list, cross-references with Kindle and allows you to sort the result to efficiently answer the question - which book should I read next?
This project is a single-page application written in Elm and a node.js API using Express.
You need to start by installing the following base dependencies:
- node
- elm
- docker
Start by creating an .env
export API_HOST=<production_api_host> # Only used when deploying to production
export GOODREADS_API_KEY=<your_goodreads_api_key>
export GOODREADS_API_SECRET=<your_goodreads_api_secret_key>
Either ask one of the maintainers to share the Goodreads API key with you or get a new Goodreads API key in the developer portal.
Then install all dependencies:
yarn install
yarn bootstrap
yarn start-dev
You can also just start the client or server individually
yarn start-server-dev
yarn start-client-dev
yarn deploy