alternative way to calculating self attention
I may or may not work on it further, PR are welcome though
this is preview
class Node:
idx: int
value: Tensor
adjacency_list: list[Edge] = field(default_factory=list)
class Edge:
node: Node
weight: Tensor
def build_graph(nodes:list[Node],keys:Tensor,queries:Tensor):
batch,seq_len,d_model = queries.shape
for idx,curr_node in enumerate(nodes):
# picking 1 to n keys
keys_history = keys[:,:idx+1,:]
# picking nth query
curr_query = queries[:,idx,:]
# here we take dot product (concise similarity) between current query
# and all keys that contains in histoy of current node (token)
similarity_values = curr_query@keys_history.transpose(-1,-2)
# if DEBUGE: print(f"{keys_history.shape=} {curr_query.shape=} {similarity_values.shape=} ")
similarity_values = similarity_values/math.sqrt(d_model)
# after softmax you will get weights with indicates
# how much current node want pay attention to past node
attn = F.softmax(similarity_values.float(),dim=-1).type_as(keys)
attn = attn.reshape(-1) # reshaping to make it simple
# if DEBUGE: print(attn)
# adding back edges in adjacency list of each node
for nidx,node in enumerate(nodes[:idx+1]):
edge_weight = attn[nidx]
# if DEBUGE: print(f"{idx} attend to {nidx} node with {edge_weight:.2f}")
edge = Edge(node=node,weight=edge_weight)
# curent node is getting weighted edge with all past nodes
return nodes
- so inferace with tiny lm as poc
- Add visuization
- top nodes infuanceing current node
its for education purpose, has no pratical use (unless added visualiztion)