This is where you can find software developers, or learn something in between.
Here is a list of user groups that you can attend to meet people or learn things!
- KL Ruby Brigade
- Ruby Malaysia - They host ruby malaysia meetups
- Facebook group - The facebook group.
- Python Malaysia
- Facebook group - The facebook group
- Golang Malaysia
- Facebook group - this is also where you can find announcement on event.
- Devlops Malaysia
- Meetup Page - The event page of the meetup
- R User Group Malaysia aka UseR Malaysia
- Facebook page - Their facebook page.
- Women Who Code Malaysia
- Facebook page - the facebook page
- Programming Laman Web + UI/UX, Malay language focused developer info Probably the largest developer group in Malaysia
- Arduino group
- Civic Tech
- Sinar Project - they use technology for gov transparency
- Javascript
- KualaLumpurJS facebook group - Organised monthly meetup called KLJS as of Aug 2019
- Javascript Malaysia faceook page
- KL React Meetup - Monthly meetup and Clinic session where you can get help on React related problem you faced
- ReactJS ReactNative Malaysia facebook group
- Angular Malaysia facebook group
- WebCamp KL
- Facebook group - Online group that gathers web developers, business guys and occassionally UX/UI designers that specialize in web and mobile development.
- E-wallet Malaysia
- Facebook group - E-wallet Malaysia discussion by ecInsider, with a mix of consumer, e-wallet provider, developers, credit card users
- Fintech Malaysia
- Facebook group - Fintech develeper discussion by Revenue Monster
- WCKL Jobs
- Facebook group - Hire or get hired here. Mostly web development jobs around KL.
- Junior Dev
- Meetup page - monthly meetup with mostly junior/student dev attending and related topics
Here is here you can fine conference happening in around KL.
We won't put all event, but we welcome pull request! Especially when you run meetups.