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TypeScript/JavaScript adapter for integrating referral programs with Referkit API.

Sign up

Please make sure you have signed up with Referkit and have your email and password ready.


npm i referkit

Getting started

In your project, authenticate (login) in the appropriate place to get an Auth instance, which will be used to authenticate a Product.

import {Auth} from 'referkit';

async function init() {
  const auth = new Auth();
  await auth.login('', 'secretpass1234');

  // Now we can use auth instead of raw token, which
  // atomically keeps track of the signed-in state.
  let product = new Product('', {auth});

  // Save product
  product = await prod.create();

  // Note that from field is the referral code of another referring user.
  const user = await new User('', {product, from: '916hqpB7'}).create();

  // Get user's unique referral link and code
  const {url, moniker, score, referrer} = user.referral;

  console.log(url);         //
  console.log(moniker);     // 99PpQrh7
  console.log(score);       // 1
  console.log(referrer.referral.moniker); // 916hqpB7


To log into your account, use an Auth as a static class or instantiate a singleton object. It is a single source of truth for your account identity as Alphaseek customer.


import {Auth} from 'referkit';

const token = await Auth.login('', 'secretP&ssw0rd!');

The token will be stored in the browser's localStorage if it's available and also in-memory as a static variable.

You can opt-out of storing the token in the browser's localStorage by setting Auth.useLocalStorage = false before calling login().

To log out (invalidate the access token):

const ok = await Auth.logout();

This also clears old token from the localStorage if Auth.useLocalStorage is set to true.


You can also create an Auth singleton instance so you could pass it around in other calls.

const auth = new Auth();
const tok = await auth.login('', 'secretPassword');

// Create a new product.
const prod = new Product('', {auth});

Optionally, you could pass the access token as token field in the object parameter like so:

const prod = new Product('', {token: tok});

You can also inquire for your account information with

const myInfo = await;


A Product is the namespace of a campaign and its Users. An account has a default Product tied to its registered email address's domain name, for instance, a Product with alias awesome-app-732109 is tied to a domain name

An account can create more than one Product. Products cannot share their Users across them.

const prod = new Product('', {auth});


The core of a referral is in the users' interactions. Here are some key points about a User:

  • only have one referrer (another User who refers), but many referrees (other Users whom this User refers to your Product)
  • owns a unique referral URL and a related referral code (called moniker) per Product
  • owns a referral score that increments when a new User is created with his moniker OR when he is created as a User with a referral code of someone else (2-side rewarding)

Your user's referral URL has a destination URL that it redirects to. For instance, you could set it to your signup form page i.e. When it actually redirects to the destination URL, it adds the following query parameters


Your signup form should design a hidden form field that grabs the referral code from the from field or use JavaScript to do so to create the User

const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;

if (urlParams.get('source') === 'alphaseek') {
  const from = urlParams.get('from');
  let user = new User('', {from, product});
  user = await user.create();

Use cases

  • 2-sided reward when a user signed up
  • Successful purchase with "coupon" code
  • Invitation queue based on referrals

Referral and Destination URLs

You can set the destination URL where the referral URL will redirect to by calling update method on the User.

You can't change the user's default referral URL.

user = await user.update({redirectUrl: ''});

Most of the time, you may want to set a default destination on the Product either when creating it or updating it instead of setting one for each User.

// Create
const prod = new Product('', {auth, redirectUrl: ''});

// Update
prod = await prod.update({redirectUrl: ''});


TypeScript/JavaScript adapter for Referkit






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