Style Transfer applied to carbonate reservoir downscaling: a study case from Brazilian carbonate rocks (coquinas)
This is the repo of my paper!
Here you can find the jupyter notebook with the code, which is not so formatted and beautiful, but it works ;)
You know, I'm just a Geologist, not a professional programmer (even I'm willing to be one day soon)
I will add the link to the paper as soon as it goes public.
- Python 3.x
- pillow
- matplotlib
- pytorch
- numpy
- tqdm 4.26 -> for nice progress bars
The versions I wrote above are the versions I used to run my experiments. It shold works with other versions as well, but I can't guarantee it.
The code is in a jupyter notebook, for ease to use purposes.
Hence, the only thing nedded to use the code is open it and change some variables inside it, like image filenames and some ST parameters.
As I can't give you all my input data, I will upload only two images, one low resolution 90um CT slice and one high resolution 07um CT slice. This is just to verify that the script works as intended. Of course you can use your own CT slices and, if wanted, all sort of images, because the ST method is meant to work for all kind of images. If your result is interesting, please contact me! I will be pleased to be in contact with other authors who want to test the Gatys et al. (2015) method for problems related to geosciences.
To reference this code or the paper, please use the following citation:
Souza, J. P. P., Avansi, M. C. K., Belila, A. M. P., Vidal, A. C., Style Transfer applied to carbonate reservoir downscaling: a study case from Brazilian carbonate rocks (coquinas).
This is not the final version of the reference, I will wait until the paper is submitted to update it ;)