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This is my personal development environment (PDE) based on fish, neovim, mise and docker.


All my workflow revolves around running containers for my services. So, for now, I'm still using docker and their extensions, mainly, compose to define those services.


I still need to learn a lot about it, but to make navigation between contexts and namespaces easier, I'm using kubie.

In the near future I want to experiment with k3d and tilt to make simulations about my system environment easier to reproduce locally, and the transition to production smoother.


For the terminal, that's the place were I spent most of time, the following is used:

  • fish: there is nothing fancy about it
  • starship: this is what makes my shell beautiful
  • zoxide: change between directories has never been easier
  • eza: just to make ls informative and interesting
  • bat: a better cat
  • ripgrep: a better grep
  • tmux: handling multiple panes, windows, and sessions is a must in my workflow
    • among the aspects to improve, one that is on my sight is the integration with neovim
  • tmuxp: to manage my different sessions

programming languages

In my day-to-day I use:

  • elixir
  • python
    • with poetry handling dependencies, whenever is possible
  • javascript + node