A python library for writing Olex plotlayer ("Ruter") files including utility functions for converting decimal degrees to decimal minutes. Reading is planned implemented in the future.
pip3 install pyolex
The project has no major dependencies. Some examples may require more advanced dependencies like pandas.
Example code:
import pyolex
dd_coord = pyolex.DecimalDegreeCoord(61.6296187, 5.01738467)
min_coord = pyolex.decimal_degrees_to_decimal_minutes(dd_coord, precision=7)
print(min_coord.lat, min_coord.lon)
Output: 3697.777122 301.0430802
Example code:
import pyolex
start_lat, start_lon = (61.6296187, 5.01738467)
stop_lat, stop_lon = (61.6396187, 5.01538467)
start_coord = pyolex.DecimalDegreeCoord(start_lat, start_lon)
stop_coord = pyolex.DecimalDegreeCoord(start_lat, start_lon)
towline = pyolex.TowlineObject(plotset=1,linecolor=pyolex.Color.RED, tow_start_dd=start_coord, tow_stop_dd=stop_coord)
Rute Slepestrek
Rutetype Strek
Linjefarge Rød
Plottsett 1
3697.777122 301.0430802 1675377136 Garnstart
3698.377122 300.9230802 1675377136 Garnstopp
If you are missing functionality or find bugs, either submit a patch, or be prepared to send example "Ruter"-file when submitting the bug-report.
pyolex is open-source and licensed under GNU GPL, Version 3.