This is my github page repository. I'm using it to store some tips on experiences I had.
The repository is forked from kitian616/jekyll-TeXt-theme, which is the used theme.
Here is the structure of the important folders and files in this repository:
├── assets/ # CSS and images
├── _cheatsheets # programming languages cheatsheets
├── _data # YAML data
├── docker # docker files to build and run the website
├── _includes # HTML includes (extensions, search, analytics, comments, sharing, etc..)
├── _layouts # pages layouts
├── posts # conains all the Posts of the blog, separated in subfolders (themes)
├── _sass # contains the styles and animations (components, themes, code highlights)
├── tools
├── 404.html
├── # about page
├── archive.html
├── # cheatsheets page
├── _config.yml # jekyll config file
├── Dockerfile # image to build and run jekyll
├── favicon.ico
├── Gemfile
├── index.html
├── jekyll-text-theme.gemspec
├── package.json
The website is built using jekyll. See to install the tools needed to build the site.
To locally build and serve it, run the
It is also possible to build and run the blog using a Docker container. From the root of the repo, run these commands:
# Build the image
$ podman-compose -f docker/ build
# Run the blog
$ podman-compose -f docker/docker-compose.serve.yml up
To stop the website, open another terminal and run:
$ podman-compose -f docker/docker-compose.serve.yml down