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Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm tools


Elliptic curves are defined as (y^2) % p = (x^3 + ax + b) % p
For which (4a^3 + 27b^2) % p != 0 (to exclude singular curves)

Domain parameters

  • a and b are the equation constants above
  • G is the generator point, a point on the curve above
  • p is the (prime) congruence modulo above, ie lhs % p = rhs % p
  • n is the number of possible points on the curve, note that n < p

Note that n * G = O (point at infinity)
This implies that n * pubkey = O
Because n * (privkey * G) = O

Elliptic curve arithmetic

Negative values

a = -a % n

Point at infinity

The identity element, adding it to any point results in that point
This including adding the identity element to itself

Point negation

Adding a point and its negation results in the point at infinity
Negated points have the same x coordinate and negated y coordinate

Point addition

Adding (the x, y components of) one point P to another point Q results in a point S
If a line is drawn from P to Q it will result in a point R where R = -S

P + Q = R
(xp, yp) + (xq, yq) = (xr, yr)

lambda = ((yq - yp) / (xq - xp)) % p
"Division" is via modular inverse
Modular inverse: Find b such that (a * b) % m = 1
lambda = ((yq - yp) * modinv(xq - xp, p)) % p

xr = (lambda^2 - xp - xq) % p
yr = (lambda * (xp - xr) - yp) % p

Point doubling

As above but with

lambda = ((3 * xp^2 + a) / (2 * yp)) % p
lambda = ((3 * xp^2 + a) * modinv(2 * yp, p)) % p

Point multiplication

If P is added to P the result is 2P, similarly 2P + P is 3P

Trap door function

Given R = kP where R and P are known, k cannot be determined
This is the basis for ECDSA use in public-key cryptography
Ie pubkey = privkey * G

Signature generation

  • Let L be the bit length of n
  • Let z be the leftmost L bits of hash(message)
  • Select a random integer k in the range [1, n - 1]
  • Calculate (x, y) = k * G
  • Calculte r = x % n
    • If r = 0 then choose a different k
  • Calculate s = (k^-1 * (z + r * privkey)) % n = (modinv(k, n) * (z + r * privkey)) % n
    • If s = 0 then choose a different k
  • The signature is (r, s)
    • If r or s is negative make positive with a = -a % n

Signature verification

  • Verify the pubkey != O (point at infinity)
  • Verify the pubkey lies on the curve
  • Verify n * pubkey = O
  • Verify r and s are in the range [1, n - 1]
  • Let L be the bit length of n
  • Let z be the leftmost L bits of hash(message)
  • Calculate u = (z * s^-1) % n = (z * modinv(s, n)) % n
  • Calculate v = (r * s^-1) % n = (r * modinv(s, n)) % n
  • Calculate (x, y) = u * G + v * pubkey
    • If the point (x, y) = O then the signature is invalid
  • Verify r = x % n


package ecdsa_tools // import ""


type Curve struct {
	P, A, B *big.Int // Elliptic curve definition: (y^2) % p = (x^3 + ax + b) % p
	Gx, Gy  *big.Int // Generator point (a point on the curve above)
	N       *big.Int // Number of possible points on the curve

func (c *Curve) Equals(d *Curve) bool

type Point struct {
	X, Y  *big.Int
	AtInf bool
	Curve *Curve

func NewPoint(x, y *big.Int, curve *Curve) (*Point, error)

func (p *Point) Add(q *Point) *Point

func (p *Point) Double() *Point

func (p *Point) Equals(q *Point) bool

func (p *Point) IsNegation(q *Point) bool

func (p *Point) Multiply(k *big.Int) *Point

func (p *Point) Negate() *Point

func (p *Point) OnCurve() bool

type PrivKey struct {
	D     *big.Int // Private key
	Curve *Curve

func NewPrivKeyBitcoin(privKey string) (*PrivKey, error)

func NewPrivKeyEthereum(privKey string) (*PrivKey, error)

func NewPrivKeyViaOpenSSLFile(privKeyPath string) (*PrivKey, error)

func NewRandomPrivKeyBitcoin() (*PrivKey, error)

func NewRandomPrivKeyEthereum() (*PrivKey, error)

func NewRandomPrivKeyViaOpenSSL(curve string) (*PrivKey, error)

func NewRandomPrivKeyViaStdLib(curve string) (*PrivKey, error)

func (p *PrivKey) CalcPubKey() *PubKey

type PubKey struct {
	E     *Point // Public key
	Curve *Curve

func NewPubKeyBitcoin(address string) (*PubKey, error)

func NewPubKeyEthereum(address string) (*PubKey, error)

func NewPubKeyViaOpenSSLFile(pubKeyPath string) (*PubKey, error)


OpenSSL signature verification demo


OpenSSL signature (generation) demo


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