The SimpleEDA R package can be used to perform an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of a data set. This package is intended to simplify the EDA that a statistician would perform when analyzing a data set with the intention of constructing a regression model.
Please note that this package is called SimpleEDA not AutomaticEDA! The package presents the results, but does no interpretation, and may not perform all of the necessary tests based on the properties of the data set. For that, a trained statistician would be required.
mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am, labels = c('automatic', 'manual'))
mtcars$vs <- factor(mtcars$vs, labels = c('v-shaped', 'straight'))
simpleEDA(data_frame = mtcars, response_column_name = 'mpg',
predictor_column_names = c('hp', 'wt', 'vs', 'am'))
- Go to and download and install git
- Go to and create a new account
- Follow the instructions at to set up your email address
- Open the Terminal app on Mac or the Command Line app on Windows and type:
git config --global "<YOUR NAME>"
where<YOUR NAME>
is replaced by your name. This will be the name that gets attached to any commits that you write, and can either be your name or GitHub user name, based on your preference.
- Click File -> New Project
- Select “Version Control”
- Select “Git”
- For “Repository URL” type:
- For "subdirectory" choose the location on your computer where you want to store the project files
- There will be a prompt to enter your GitHub password
- This should create a directory called
on your computer with the project files.
- Open Project
- Go to Tools -> Version Control -> Pull Branches
Note: If there are conflicts it will open a merge dialog where you can resolve them
- Make changes to files in the SimpleEDA folder
- In RStudio select Tools->Version Control->Commit
- This will open a dialog box that lists all the files that you have made changes
to. Click the checkbox next to all of the files that you want to push changes for,
and type a short description of the changes that you made in the "Commit Message"
- Click the button that says "Commit"
- Click the button that says "Pull"
- If someone else has made changes to the same files as you, there will be a message saying that there is a conflict. You can use that dialog to open a merge tool that allows you to merge your changes with the ones on GitHub.
- Click the button that says "Push"
You should rebuild the R package after you have made changes to the source code R
files in the R/
From inside the RStudio Project, go to the R Console and run:
# This only needs to be run one time to install the necessary packages
install.packages(c("devtools", "roxygen2", "testthat", "knitr"))
devtools::build(path = "./builds")
This will build a new .tar.gz
file in the builds
directory that can be used
to install the SimpleEDA package.
In order to run the functions in the SimpleEDA package, open the RStudio project and go to the R Console. Then run:
# This only needs to be run one time to install the devtools package