- Pakistan
(UTC +05:00) - jmrchelani.github.io
mad_lab_tasks Public
Mobile Application Development Practical Lab Book Tasks Source Code
learning-resources Public
Forked from rashidwassan/learning-resourcesA repository which contains different learning resources for various development stacks.
UpdatedFeb 22, 2022 -
py_address_book_gui Public
An address book with graphical user interface developed with Python Tkinter.
vending Public
Forked from wuzi/vendingServer-side vending machines for SA-MP
Pawn MIT License UpdatedDec 30, 2021 -
flutter_portfolio Public
A responsive full fledged portfolio developed using flutter!
awesome-login-pages Public
Forked from LoginRadius/awesome-login-pagesThis repository consist of many login page example, whch can be used for any web or hybrid app developement.
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2021 -
todo-list-flutter Public
A To-Do list app with categories
boggle-solver-java Public
A simple boggle solver which uses Trie to store valid words and recursively checks the board.
Java UpdatedMay 26, 2021 -
missing-braces-finder Public
Find missing braces in your code, now also available online!
DeAMX Public
Forked from AmyrAhmady/DeAMXDeAMX - .amx files decompiler for SA:MP originally made by trc_ in 2008
pawn-ds Public
Data Structures implementations in PAWN language
openmonthofcode.github.io Public
Forked from openmonthofcode/openmonthofcode.github.ioHTML MIT License UpdatedMay 4, 2021 -
data-structures-algorithms Public
Data Structures and Algorithms implemented by me myself. :D
book-shop-php Public archive
A Book Store created from scratch using PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS.
scrap-this-web Public
API to scrap HTML CSS and JS of a website