A weekend-built visionOS game that teaches waste separation through interactive gameplay
AirPlay from Google Chrome - send YouTube, Vimeo and (almost) any HTML5 video to AppleTV via AirPlay
Readability-aware automatic lyrics transcription (ALT) evaluation toolkit
Application which hosts AudioUnits v3 using AVFoundation API
A base implementation of Apple's AUAudioUnit to simplify the creation of custom audio units.
diracdeltas / vstSpleeter
Forked from gvne/vstSpleeterA VST interface to Spleeter
Access control lists for node applications
⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web
Imports a Trello board to Github
sitepoint-editors / twitter-clone-using-nextjs-and-prisma
Forked from ghoshnirmalya/twitter-clone-using-nextjs-and-prisma🎨 Accompanying project for "Building a Twitter clone app using Prisma and Next.js" tutorial
Quiz application built with React and using Firebase for storing/retrieving high scores!
SwiftUI project with Vivid UI interactions and focused on UX Design
SwiftUI Recipe Book is a template app designed with SwiftUI.
Recipes app written in SwiftUI using Single State Container
Small library to extract peaks from either a TypedArray of audio samples or a webaudio AudioBuffer into an Int8Array, Int16Array, or Int32Array.
Infrastructure, containers, and serverless apps to AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes... all deployed with Pulumi
Swift example of using AVMIDIPlayer from a file or from a MusicSequence
Example of kAudioUnitSubType_MIDISynth in Core Audio and as a custom AVAudioUnitMIDIInstrument
Powerful polyphonic synthesizer for iOS that relies on sound fonts for generating audio -
📷 A composable image editor using Core Image and Metal.
Run the official Stable Diffusion releases in a Docker container with txt2img, img2img, depth2img, pix2pix, upscale4x, and inpaint.
An easy to use Swift wrapper around iCloud Drive.
node.js AirTunes v2 implementation: stream wirelessly to Apple audio devices.
An github action to deploy projects on back4app