shell-fm is a lightweight, console-based player for Last.FM radio streams. It’s pretty small (the binary is currently a little smaller than 60K, or 50K when stripped) and it has most features the “official” player has, if not even a few more. Additional features are, for example:
- network interface (control shell-fm remotely)
- autoban (automatically ban all tracks of an artist you don’t like)
- bookmark stations (quickly jump to bookmarked stations with a single key)
- … probably more
shell-fm doesn’t need much. You definitely need libmad. shell-fm can also use libao for playback (optional).
It’s always recommended to use the latest version from GitHub.
First clone the repository:
$ git clone git://
Make sure you have the needed libraries to compile (libmad0-dev and libao-dev.) This should do the trick for Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install libmad0-dev libao-dev
Change into the repository directory and compile Shell.FM:
$ cd shell-fm
$ make
Finally, install the binary and the manual as root:
$ su -c "make install"
$ sudo make install