Laptop is a script to set up a macOS laptop for web and mobile development.
It can be run multiple times on the same machine safely. It installs, upgrades, or skips packages based on what is already installed on the machine.
It supports:
- macOS Catalina (10.14)
Older versions may work but aren't tested.
Download the script:
curl --remote-name
Review the script (avoid running scripts you haven't read!):
less mac
Execute the downloaded script:
sh mac 2>&1 | tee ~/laptop.log
Optionally, review the log:
less ~/laptop.log
macOS tools:
- Homebrew for managing operating system libraries.
Unix tools:
- Universal Ctags for indexing files for vim tab completion
- Git for version control
- OpenSSL for Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- The Silver Searcher for finding things in files
- Watchman for watching for filesystem events
- Zsh as your shell
Image tools:
- ImageMagick for cropping and resizing images
Programming languages, package managers, and configuration:
- Bundler for managing Ruby libraries
- Node.js and npm, for running apps and installing JavaScript packages
- Ruby stable for writing general-purpose code
- [rbenv] for managing ruby versions.
- [nodenv] for managing node versions.
- Postgres@9.6 for storing relational data
- Redis for storing key-value data
It should take less than 15 minutes to install (depends on your machine).
Laptop is © 2011-2020 thoughtbot, inc. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.