The development repository is located at:
A mirror repository is pushed to:
This dokuwiki application is hosted with NGINX and is designed to be behind a reverse proxy that provides SSL offloading.
The puppet module uses hiera for data lookup, which specifies source location (and version) for downloading, nginx configuration and php setup.
mod 'puppetlabs-concat', '9.0.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-stdlib', '9.3.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-vcsrepo', '6.1.0'
mod 'puppet-nginx', '5.0.0'
mod 'puppet-php', '10.0.0'
node 'dokuwiki.localdomain'{
include role::app::dokuwiki_server
# Install Dokuwiki website
# Configure reverse proxy with SSL
# Requires data in dockuwiki hiera
class role::app::dokuwiki_server {
include profile::base::common
# Install Dokuwiki
include profile::dokuwiki
# Export configuration required for NGINX reverse proxy
# and SSL Certificate for the external domain
include profile::nginx::reverse_proxy_export
# Install Dokuwiki and Plugins
# Install NGINX server with PHP
# Configure users and settings
# Requires data in dockuwiki hiera
class profile::dokuwiki{
# Install dokuwiki and plugins
include ::dokuwiki
include ::dokuwiki::plugins
include ::dokuwiki::nginx
include ::dokuwiki::users
include ::dokuwiki::config
Jon Jaroker