Today I set out to use jj to author a change in a Github project. I cloned the repo following the example in the tutorial, which uses https
. After authoring some changes, I sought to push the changes in a branch, but I encountered the error:
distutils $ jj git push --branch remove-msvc
Branch changes to push to origin:
Add branch remove-msvc to df9a5c634ac1
Error: Unexpected git error when pushing: remote authentication required but no callback set; class=Http (34); code=Auth (-16)
Searching around for how to set up auth, it appears that jj currently only supports SSH for authenticated connections.
As a former Windows user, I still retain some of my habits from that time, where SSH workflows were clumsy at best, and in my git environments, I rely solely on HTTP workflows. As I explore migrating from git to jj, I'd like to minimize the variance across the workflows.
I'd like to see jj add support for authenticated HTTP, ideally by also re-using the credentials already stored in the backing store used by the auth helpers found in the git client. I may be able to help here.
Is there any prior work to support this mode? Are there any known blockers?