Simple web app to create and maintain dynamic QR codes.
Demo account:
Password: password
With DenomicQR users can create and maintain their own dynamic QR codes. The QR codes have short redirection URL encoded in them. Scanning and opening the QR code redirects user to the url assigned to the QR code. This url can be edited, making it a dynamic QR code.
App uses Base64 encoding scheme to represent the QR codes. Generated QR codes are stored in base64 format to the database. Database used for the app is PostgreSQL. Validation for user inputs in client-side is done using javascript, regex and jQuery. Server-side validation is done with regex and Deno's Validasaur library.
- Clone the project to your machine
git clone
- Install Deno JS/TS runtime.
- Create a postgreSQL database and create database tables by loading the sql files from /config/database/createTables.sql
- (optional) you can populate the database with ready made mock data with file /config/database/mockData.sql. Test user password is commented in plain text to easily sign in to the account.
- Create a .env file to the project root with fields (remember to add the .env file to .gitignore):
- Setup in file /config/settings.js your base url + "/code" to where the codes will be redirected, for and example http://localhost:7777/code/ or ''
- Run locally from project root with command:
deno run --allow-all --unstable run-locally.js local
- Open localhost:7777
- App ports have already been configured for the use of Heroku in the app.js file
- Create a new app in heroku and in the setting tab add the following buildpack
- A Procfile (case-sensitive, no suffix) in the project root directory will tell Heroku how it can launch the application. Set up Config Vars in the project settings for DBHOSTNAME, DATABASE, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD and DBPORT same way you set up the .env for running locally.
- Deno version can be set with an additional file called runtime.txt. App has been created and tested with runtime v1.22.0
- To push the project to Heroku you can use the GitHub actions pipeline or push straight to Heroku by using the Heroku CLI installed on your machine.
Using Heroku
- Push the application to Heroku repository with terminal commands from the project root directory:
heroku login
git init
heroku git:remote -a "your-heroku-app-name"
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push heroku master
- Push the application to Heroku repository with terminal commands from the project root directory:
Using GitHub actions
- Set the following to "Deploy to Heroku" in the .github/workflows/deployment_pipeline.yml file:
- Heroku api key: load from repository secrets
- Heroku app name
- Heroku email
- Push the application to GitHub repository.
- Set the following to "Deploy to Heroku" in the .github/workflows/deployment_pipeline.yml file:
- Now your app should be working in the address
Run tests for the app from project root with command: deno test --allow-all --unstable -- local
To run tests in the GitHub actions, you must set the DBHOSTNAME, DATABASE, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD and DBPORT in the repositorys secrets.
- Deno v1.22.0 - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- PostgreSQL v13 - PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. Project using ElephantSQL.
- Bootstrap 5 - Powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit. Build and customize with Sass, utilize prebuilt grid system and components, and bring projects to life with powerful JavaScript plugins.
- Eta - A lightweight, powerful, pluggable embedded JS template engine.
- jQuery v3.6.0 - jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- Chart.js v3.8.0 - Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers.
- Deno libraries
- oak v9.0.1 - A middleware framework for Deno's native HTTP server, Deno Deploy and Node.js 16.5 and later.
- superoak v4.7.0 - HTTP assertions for Oak made easy via SuperDeno. For testing.
- QR Code v2.0.0 - Generate QR codes in Deno, as base64-encoded images, completely dependency-free and requires no binary.
- Validasaur v0.15.0 - Validasaur is Deno validation library slightly inspired by Laravel Validation.
- Short UUID v3.2.3 - Deno module used for generating random or sequential UUID of any length.
- BCrypt v0.2.4 - A port from jBCrypt to TypeScript for use in Deno.
- Oak Sessions v3.1.3 - Use cookie-based web sessions with the Oak framework.
- deno-postgres v0.13.0 - A lightweight PostgreSQL driver for Deno focused on user experience.
- Eta v.1.12.3 - Eta is a lightweight and blazing fast embedded JS templating engine that works inside Node, Deno, and the browser.
- Fix the various cosmetic problems with the user interface
- Captcha for preventing bots etc. from signing up, mass generating codes
- More comprehensive tests
- Replace the place holder chart with working one
- Format datetime in the QR code edit mode
- Record to database the device that was used for opening the QR link (Android, PC, iPhone, Mac, etc.)
- Edit and redirect history listing with filter and arrange functionalities
- Caching of recources
- Third party sign in functionality (Google, Facebook, GitHub, etc.)
- Database indexing
- Error logging
- Error handling