Go client for Razorpay APIs, refer https://razorpay.com/docs/api for reference.
- Supports for APIs
Customer -
Order -
Payment -
Payment link -
Refund - Item
- Invoice
- Subscription
- Settlement
- Route
- Smart collect
- Support for logging?
Import package and set api credentials:
import razorpay "github.com/jitendra-1217/razorpay-go"
razorpay.APIKey = "<KEY>"
razorpay.APISecret = "<SECRET>"
Import client per need. All clients e.g. customer, order, and payment etc follow similar pattern.
For example, to capture a payment:
import razorpay_payment "github.com/jitendra-1217/razorpay-go/payment"
paymentID := "pay_00000000000001"
params := &razorpay.PaymentCaptureParams{
Amount: razorpay.Int64(123),
Currency: razorpay.String("INR"),
payment, err := razorpay_payment.Capture(context.Background(), paymentID, params)
fmt.Println(payment.ID) // pay_00000000000001
fmt.Println(payment.Status) // captured
All param value are pointer so that only set values are sent in remote request body.
var razorpayErr *razorpay.Error
if errors.As(err, &razorpayErr) {
// This could happen when an error response was received from remote.
fmt.Println(razorpayErr.Code) // BAD_REQUEST_ERROR
fmt.Println(razorpayErr.Description) // This payment has already been captured
} else {
// This could happen for e.g. when error occurred in network connection etc.
Any HTTP client satisfying Doer interface can be used instead of default one.
import "github.com/gojektech/heimdall/v6/httpclient"
timeout := 1000 * time.Millisecond
heimdallHTTPclient := httpclient.NewClient(httpclient.WithHTTPTimeout(timeout))
razorpay.HTTPClient = heimdallHTTPclient
The backend can be mocked in unit tests to assert request args and to receive mocked response.
// First, to generate mock file out of Backend interface:
// mockgen -destination=backend_mock.go -package=<...> github.com/jitendra-1217/razorpay-go Backend
// Get mocked implementation and set default with the same.
mockAPIBackend := NewMockBackend(ctrl)
razorpay.DefaultAPIBackend = mockAPIBackend
// Sets expectation, ref https://github.com/golang/mock.
Call(gomock.Eq(context.Background()), gomock.Eq("GET"), gomock.Eq("v1/payments/pay_00000000000001"), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
SetArg(4, razorpay.Payment{Entity: razorpay.Entity{ID: "pay_00000000000001"}})
// Follows.. existing code call and assertions.
payment, err := razorpay_payment.Get(context.Background(), paymentID, nil)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "pay_00000000000001", payment.ID)
Every response struct has the corresponding raw body set in Body field that can be unmarshalled into own struct.
payment, err := razorpay_payment.Get(context.Background(), "pay_00000000000001", nil)
// Defines customPaymentResponse with specific fields and their json mapping.
customPaymentResponse := &struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Status string `json:"status"`
_ = json.Unmarshal(payment.Body, customPaymentResponse)
paymentClient1 := razorpay_payment.NewClient("<KEY-1>", "<SECRET-1>", nil)
payment1, err := paymentClient1.Get(context.Background(), "pay_00000000000001", nil)
paymentClient2 := razorpay_payment.NewClient("<KEY-2>", "<SECRET-2>", nil)
payment2, err := paymentClient2.Get(context.Background(), "pay_00000000000002", nil)
A prometheus collector for default http client exists for use. When using own http client, a helper function i.e. NewPrometheusCollector exists for use.
// Or when using own http client...
collector := razorpay.NewPrometheusCollector(heimdallHTTPclient)
// And to serve /metrics, for example...
http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)