- Pro
A Python package with tools to calculate and plot Lamb wave dispersion curves and particle displacement.
NohPei / urban_das
Forked from jingxiaoliu/urban_dasUrban sensing via seismic source mapping
CIGVis is a tool for geophysical data visualization, which developed by Computational Interpretation Group (CIG)
Urban sensing using existing fiber-optic networks
Ongoing research training transformer models at scale
A collection of AWESOME things about Graph-Related LLMs.
Numba-accelerated computation of surface wave dispersion
Inversion of dispersion curves using Evolutionary Algorithms
A toy example for reviewing system identification methods
Acoular - Acoustic testing and source mapping software
Characterizing Vehicle-Induced Distributed Acoustic Sensing Signals for Accurate Urban Near-Surface Imaging
A repository to reproduce my Ph.D. thesis results and figures
NohPei / das_veh
Forked from jingxiaoliu/das_vehAutomated and Continuous Near-surface characterization Using Vehicle-induced DAS signals
jingxiaoliu / das_veh
Forked from syyuan93/das_vehAutomated and Continuous Near-surface characterization Using Vehicle-induced DAS signals
Automated and Continuous Near-surface characterization Using Vehicle-induced DAS signals
Noise reduction in python using spectral gating (speech, bioacoustics, audio, time-domain signals)
Kalman Filter, Smoother, and EM Algorithm for Python
MATLAB codebase for quantifying post-disaster economic recovery for multi-regional analysis. Based on the original ARIO model by Hallegatte, 2014 and single-region ARIO model by Stanford Urban Resi…
tingerzhu / SR-ARIO
Forked from 0marissa/SR-ARIOMATLAB codebase for quantifying post-disaster economic recovery for a single region. Based on the original ARIO model by Hallegatte, 2014.
HierMUD: a Hierarchical Multi-task Unsupervised Domain adaptation framework
NohPei / TelecomTM
Forked from jingxiaoliu/TelecomTMTelecomTM: A Fine-Grained and Ubiquitous Traffic Monitoring System Using Pre-Existing Telecommunication Fiber-Optic Cables as Sensors