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An API Gateway for Moleculer framework

The moleculer-web-uws is a fast API gateway service for Moleculer based on µWebSockets.js server. Use it to publish your services over HTTP and WebSockets.


  • WebSockets with pub/sub support
  • Serve static files
  • Multiple routes
  • File uploading
  • Multiple body parsers (json, urlencoded, text)
  • CORS headers
  • Rate limiter
  • Global before & after call hooks
  • Buffer & Stream handling
  • Support authentication
  • Support authorization


npm install moleculer-web-uws --save


Run with default settings

This example uses the API Gateway service with default settings. You can access all services (internal services not included) via http://localhost:3000/

let { ServiceBroker } = require('moleculer');
let ApiGateway = require('moleculer-web-uws');

let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: console });

// Create a service
    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: 'GET /hello',

            handler(ctx) {
                return 'Hello API Gateway!'

// Load API Gateway

// Start server

Test URLs:

Call test.hello action: http://localhost:3000/test/hello



You define a HTTP route in the action definition of your service using the rest property.

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            // Define your route
            rest: 'GET /hello',

            handler(ctx) {
                return 'Hello API Gateway!'

You can also use the shorthand definition, in which the HTTP method is resolved to GET

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            // Call this action with `GET /test/hello`
            rest: '/hello',

            handler(ctx) {

The route's url is resolved to /service-name/route-path

The service-name is the value passed to rest parameter in the schema settings object definition of your service or if no value is passed, the service-name is resolved to the specified name of your service. This is to avoid any collisions with other service's routes.

    name: 'test',

    settings: {
        // this becomes the service-name if defined
        rest: 'alttest'

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: '/hello',

            handler(ctx) {

The route-path is the value passed to rest parameter in the schema settings object definition of your service or if no value is passed, the service-name is resolved to the specified name of your service. This is to avoid any collisions with other service's routes.


You can use CORS headers in the api gateway service

    name: 'apigateway',

    mixins: [APIGateway],

    settings: {
        // Global CORS settings for all routes
        cors: {
            // Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header.
            origin: '*', // Can be an array of origins
            // Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods CORS header.
            methods: ['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
            // Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers CORS header.
            allowedHeaders: [],
            // Configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers CORS header.
            exposedHeaders: [],
            // Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials CORS header.
            credentials: false,
            // Configures the Access-Control-Max-Age CORS header.
            maxAge: 3600

You can also use Route specific CORS settings (overwrites global settings)

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: {
                path: '/routewithcors',
                cors: {
                    origin: ['http://localhost:3000', 'https://localhost:4000'],
                    methods: ['GET'],
                    credentials: true

            handler(ctx) {


The Api Gateway implements json, urlencoded, text and multipart (File Uploading) by default. Only one of these can be used per route. To use a body-parser, you must add it to the rest definition.

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: 'GET json /hello', // Valid body-parsers are; json, urlencoded, text, multipart

            params: {
                name: 'string' // This should be passed in json format

            handler(ctx) {
                const { name } = ctx.params;

Please note, the parsed body is accessible through ctx.params as an object with named properties as defined by the client.

Named Parameters

To use a named parameter, define it in the form route-path/:parametername. The parameter is accessed through ctx.params where the parametername is the property name.

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: 'GET /hello/:name',

            handler(ctx) {
                const { name } = ctx.params;

You can also use multiple named parameters as follows.

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: 'GET /hello/:name/:age',

            handler(ctx) {
                const { name, age } = ctx.params;


To implement authorization. Do 2 things to enable it.

  1. Set authorize: true in your routes
  2. Define the authorize action in the api gateway service.

The returned value will be set to the ctx.meta.authz property. You can use it in your actions to get the authorized user entity.

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: {
                path: 'GET /hello',

                // First thing
                authorize: true

            handler(ctx) {
                const { id, username, name } = ctx.meta.authz;
let ApiGateway = require('moleculer-web-uws');
const { UnAuthorisedError } = require('moleculer-web').Errors;

    name: 'apigateway',

    mixins: [APIGateway],

    settings: {

    actions: {
        // Second thing
        async authorize(ctx) {
            const { req, res } = ctx.params;
            // Define your authorization logic, like calling an auth service like so
            let tokenId;

            if (req.headers.authorization) {
                const parts = req.headers.authorization.split(' ');
                if (parts[0]/** type */ === 'Bearer') tokenId = parts[1];

            if (tokenId === '12345') {
                // Ensure that that you return every information you might need later in
                // your service's action so that you can access them as ctx.meta.authz
                return { id: 1, username: 'john.doe', name: 'John Doe' };

            throw new UnAuthorizedError('Token Id not detected');

Please note that the module will not throw an UnAuthorizedError on your behalf. You have to throw it yourself if authorization fails.


To enable authentication, you need to do something similar to what is describe in the Authorization paragraph. Also in this case you have to:

  1. Set authenticate: true in your routes
  2. Define your custom authenticate action in the api gateway service

The returned value will be set to the ctx.meta.auth property. You can use it in your actions to get the logged in user entity.

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: {
                path: 'GET /hello',

                // First thing
                authenticate: true

            handler(ctx) {
                const { id, username, name } = ctx.meta.auth;


let ApiGateway = require('moleculer-web-uws');

    name: 'apigateway',

    mixins: [APIGateway],

    settings: {

    actions: {
        // Second thing
        async authentication(ctx) {
            const { req, res } = ctx.params;
            let accessToken = req.query['access_token'];

            if (accessToken) {
                if (accessToken === '12345') {
                    // valid credentials. It will be set to `ctx.meta.auth`
                    return { id: 1, username: 'john.doe', name: 'John Doe' };

                // invalid credentials
                throw new Error('Could not login user!');
            } else {
                // anonymous user
                return null;

File Uploading

To upload a file(s), use the multipart property and no other body-parser should should be defined on the same action.

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: {
                path: 'POST /upload',

                multipart: {
                    fileSize: 100000, // Size in bytes that should not be exceeded

                    files: 1, // Number of files expected

                    fields: 3, // Number of fields that should not be exceeded.

                    onFileSizeLimit: (sizeOfReceivedFile, sizeExpected) => {

                    onFieldsLimit: (numFieldsReceived, numFieldsExpected) => {

                    onFilesLimit: (numFilesReceived, numFilesExpected) => {

            handler(ctx) {
                // ctx.param will be an object of the form {fieldname, data, type, filename} or an array of
                // such objects if more than 1 file is received.
                const files = ctx.params;
                const { fieldname, data, type, filename, size } = file;

                // The fields are passed as an array of the form [fieldname => value]
                const fields = ctx.meta.$multipart;

                // Do something with the received file(s) and field(s)

Please note, the data property is a ReadableStream of the file data hence should be handled as a stream.

A global multipart options can be defined in the API Gateway as follows.

let ApiGateway = require('moleculer-web-uws');

    name: 'apigateway',

    mixins: [APIGateway],

    settings: {
        multipart: {
            fileSize: 100000, // Size in bytes, that should not be exceeded

            files: 1, // Number of files expected

            fields: 3, // Number of fields that should not be exceeded.

            onFileSizeLimit: (size, sizeExpected) => {

            onFieldsLimit: (numFields, numFieldsExpected) => {

            onFilesLimit: (numFiles, numFilesExpected) => {

You can use the shorthand definition where multipart is passed as the body-parser. The multipart settings defined in the API Gateway will be used instead.

    name: 'test',

    actions: {
        hello: {
            rest: 'POST multipart /upload',

            handler(ctx) {

Static Files

To access static files, define static settings in the API Gateway.

let ApiGateway = require('moleculer-web-uws');

    name: 'apigateway',

    mixins: [APIGateway],

    settings: {
        static: {
            // The url through which the file will be accessible as `/assets/:filename.ext`
            rest: '/assets',

            // Path to the directory where the files are stored
            folder: '/assets',

            // Defaults to false
            cache: true,

            // Custom headers to pass to response headers
            // Optional
            headers: {},

            // Defaults to false
            etag: true,

The Static File server is published as a separate service.


Service actions with the rest property in their definition are whitelisted by default. If the rest property is not defined or the service action's visibility is not public, it'll not be whitelisted to be accessed through the API Gateway.

Please note, routes are not defined within the API Gateway, but within the action definition of your service's schema.


To use WebSockets, ws setting must be defined in the API Gateway as follows.

let ApiGateway = require('moleculer-web-uws');

  name: 'apigateway',

  mixins: [ApiGateway],

  settings: {
    ws: {
        path: '/*',

        compression: 0,

        idleTimeout: 0,

        maxBackPressure: 1024 * 1024,

        maxPayloadLength: 16 * 1024,

        keepAlive: {
            // Amount of seconds after which a PING message is sent to the client
            interval: 5000,

            // The message to be sent as a PING to the WebSocket client.
            // Can be any value, as long as the client will be able to identify it as a PING control message
            // from the server.
            ping: new Uint8Array([50]),

            // The message to be received from the WebSocket client as a PONG control message.
            // Can be a Uint8Array or integer(Will be converted to TypedArray)
            pong: new Uint8Array([50]),

        upgrade: (res, req, context) => {

        open: (socket) => {

        message: async (app, socket, message, isBinary, topic) => {

The path property MUST be passed. It is the url over which the WebSocket Connection is upgraded. The rest of the properties are optional. If not defined, the are resolved to their default values.


What permessage-deflate compression to use. Can be DISABLED, SHARED_COMPRESSOR or any of DEDICATED_COMPRESSOR_xxxKB. Defaults to SHARED_COMPRESSOR. Read more at uWebSockets.js


Maximum amount of seconds that may pass without sending or getting a message. Connection is closed if this timeout passes. Disable by using 0. Defaults to 120. Read more at uWebSockets.js


Maximum length of allowed backpressure per socket when publishing or sending messages. Defaults to 1024 * 1024. Read more at uWebSockets.js


Maximum length of received message. If a client tries to send a message larger than this, the connection is immediately closed. Defaults to 16 * 1024. Read more at uWebSockets.js

You can also whitelist an action to be accessed over WebSockets by including the ws property in its definition. The action is routed through a PUB/SUB protocol in which the WebSocket client specifies the topic to publish the message to. If this topic is matched, the received message from the client is passed to the action as ctx.params.

  name: 'test',

  actions: {
    draw: {
      ws: {
        // If not defined, the topic is resolved to `service-name/action-name`
        topic: 'tool/draw',

        // The result of this action will be published to all clients subscibed to this topic.
        // Optional
        publish: true,

        // The result of this action will be sent to the client who sent the message
        // Optional
        send: true,

        // If defined and is a callback, a client will only be subscribed to the topic if the callback returns true.
        // Optional
        condition: false // Should return a truthy result

      handler(ctx) {
        const message = ctx.params;
        const connectionContext = ctx.meta.c_ctx;
        // Do something with the message and return the results(Optional)


moleculer-web-uws is available under the MIT license.


Copyright (c) 2021 Jimmie Lovell


No description, website, or topics provided.







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