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jiminAn committed Dec 2, 2020
1 parent 9314e79 commit bd78e72
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Showing 10 changed files with 174,848 additions and 14 deletions.
1,942 changes: 1,942 additions & 0 deletions Final_LDA_Model_Training/Model_training_try13.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added Final_LDA_Model_Training/model_13.h5
Binary file not shown.
5,763 changes: 5,763 additions & 0 deletions Final_LDA_Model_Training/num=13.tsv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,449 changes: 1,449 additions & 0 deletions Final_LDA_Modeling/LDA_preprocess.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,490 changes: 1,490 additions & 0 deletions Final_LDA_Modeling/kpop_LDA_nva.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

163,704 changes: 163,704 additions & 0 deletions Final_LDA_Modeling/preprocessing.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

321 changes: 321 additions & 0 deletions Final_Pyqt5_UI/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
# 필요한 모듈 import
import sys

from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QInputDialog, QLineEdit, QLabel, QPushButton, QMessageBox, \
QDesktopWidget, QGridLayout, QTextBrowser, QVBoxLayout, QDialog, QScrollArea
import pandas as pd

# 전역변수1 : 각 년도별 <제목 -노래> 형식으로 저장
title_artist_1990 = []
title_artist_2000 = []
title_artist_2010 = []

# 전역변수2 : 각 년도별 <가수, 제목, 장르, 가사, 분위기 > 형식으로 저장
inform_1990 = []
inform_2000 = []
inform_2010 = []

# 전역변수3 : 현재 노래 정보
current_artist = ""
current_title = ""
current_genre = ""
current_release = ""
current_lyric = ""
current_thema = []
match = []

class SongData:
def __init__(self, release, artist, title, genre, lyric, thema):
self.release = release
self.artist = artist
self.title = title
self.genre = genre
self.lyric = lyric
self.thema = thema

class App(QWidget):

def __init__(self):
#self.title = '팀 뉴트로 데모'
#self.left = 100 = 100
#self.width = 300
#self.height = 100

def initUI(self):
global current_artist
global current_title
global current_genre
global current_release
global current_lyric
global match
self.setWindowTitle('Team Newtro Demo') # 타이틀 바
self.resize(400,300) # 위젯 너비,높이 설정 # 위젯 뜨는 위치 가운데로 설정

year = self.getYear() # 년도 선택
song = self.getSong(year) # 노래 선택

# items = ("1990년대 ", "2000년대 ", "2010년대 ")
str1 = "선택한 노래는 <" + song + ">입니다 \n"

store_current(song, year)

str2 = "장르 :" + current_genre + " | 분위기 : " + str(current_thema) + "\n\n"
str3 = "====비슷한 분위기의 노래를 찾아드립니다====\n"

grid = QGridLayout()
grid.addWidget(QLabel(str1),0, 0)
grid.addWidget(QLabel(str2), 1, 0)
grid.addWidget(QLabel(str3), 3, 0)

btnRun1 = QPushButton("곡 상세 정보 ", self) # 버튼 텍스트
btnRun1.clicked.connect(self.btnRun_clicked1) # 클릭 시 실행할 function
grid.addWidget(btnRun1, 2, 0)

btnRun2 = QPushButton("비슷한 노래 찾기", self)
grid.addWidget(btnRun2, 4, 0)

self.dialog = QDialog()

def btnRun_clicked1(self):
global current_artist
global current_title
global current_genre
global current_release
global current_lyric
global current_thema

# add label
artist_label = QLabel('가수 : ' + current_artist, self.dialog)
title_label = QLabel('노래 제목 : '+ current_title, self.dialog)
title_label.move(10, 30)
genre_label = QLabel('장르 : '+ current_genre, self.dialog)
genre_label.move(10, 50)
#thema_label = QLabel('분위기: '+ current_thema, self.dialog)
#thema_label.move(10, 70)
release_label = QLabel('발매년도 : ' + str(current_release), self.dialog)
release_label.move(10, 70)
temp = "================가사=================\n\n"
lyric_label = QLabel(temp + add_newline(list(current_lyric)), self.dialog)
lyric_label.move(10, 110)

# 버튼 추가
btnDialog = QPushButton("OK", self.dialog)
btnDialog.move(200, 700)

# QDialog 세팅
self.dialog.setWindowTitle('곡 상세 정보 ')
self.dialog.resize(300, 800)
# Dialog 닫기 이벤트

def dialog_close(self):

def btnRun_clicked2(self):
global current_title
global current_thema
global match


year = self.getYear()
tmp = current_thema.replace(",", "")
tmp = tmp.replace("'", "")
tmp = tmp.replace("[", "")
tmp = tmp.replace("]", "")
current_thema = tmp.split()

if year == "1990년대 ":
for i in range(1,len(inform_1990)-1):
current_cnt = len(current_thema)
match_cnt = 0
for j in range(len(current_thema)):
if(current_thema[j] in inform_1990[i].thema):
#print(current_thema[j], ' ', inform_1990[i].thema)
match_cnt += 1
if( current_cnt == 1 and match_cnt == 1):
elif( match_cnt + current_cnt > current_cnt + 1 ):
print(current_thema, ' ', inform_1990[i].thema)

if year == "2000년대 ":
for i in range(1,len(inform_2000)-1):
current_cnt = len(current_thema)
match_cnt = 0
for j in range(len(current_thema)):
if(current_thema[j] in inform_2000[i].thema):
#print(current_thema[j], ' ', inform_1990[i].thema)
match_cnt += 1
if( current_cnt == 1 and match_cnt == 1):
elif( match_cnt + current_cnt > current_cnt + 1 ):
print(current_thema, ' ', inform_2000[i].thema)

if year == "1990년대 ":
for i in range(1,len(inform_2010)-1):
current_cnt = len(current_thema)
match_cnt = 0
for j in range(len(current_thema)):
if(current_thema[j] in inform_2010[i].thema):
#print(current_thema[j], ' ', inform_1990[i].thema)
match_cnt += 1
if( current_cnt == 1 and match_cnt == 1):
elif( match_cnt + current_cnt > current_cnt + 1 ):
print(current_thema, ' ', inform_2010[i].thema)

#elif year == "2000년대 ":

def getYear(self):
items = ("1990년대 ", "2000년대 ", "2010년대 ")
item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "팀 뉴트로 데모", "시대 선택(1990~2020) ", items, 0, False)
return item

def getRecommendSong(self):
global match
tmp = ""

for i in range(len(match)):
tmp += '<'+ match[i].title + '> '
tmp += '-'+ match[i].artist + ' '
tmp += match[i].thema
tmp += '\n'
if( i > 10 ):

recommend = QLabel(tmp, self.dialog)
# QDialog 세팅
self.dialog.setWindowTitle('비슷한 분위기 곡 추천 ')
self.dialog.resize(500, 300)

def getSong(self, year):
if year == "1990년대 ":
items = title_artist_1990
item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "팀 뉴트로 데모", "노래 선택 ", items, 0, False)
return item
elif year == "2000년대 ":
items = title_artist_2000
item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "팀 뉴트로 데모", "노래 선택 ", items, 0, False)
return item
else :
items = title_artist_2010
item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "팀 뉴트로 데모", "노래 선텍 ", items, 0, False)
return item

def show_inform(self):
QMessageBox.about(self, "message", "clicked")

def center(self): # 창을 화면의 가운데로 띄우는 함수
qr = self.frameGeometry()
cp = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()

def store_current(song, year):
global current_artist
global current_title
global current_genre
global current_release
global current_lyric
global current_thema

if year == "1990년대 ":
i = title_artist_1990.index(song)
current_artist = inform_1990[i].artist
current_title = inform_1990[i].title
current_genre = inform_1990[i].genre
current_release = inform_1990[i].release
current_lyric = inform_1990[i].lyric
current_thema = inform_1990[i].thema
elif year == "2000년대 ":
i = title_artist_2000.index(song)
current_artist = inform_2000[i].artist
current_title = inform_2000[i].title
current_genre = inform_2000[i].genre
current_release = inform_2000[i].release
current_lyric = inform_2000[i].lyric
current_thema = inform_2000[i].thema
i = title_artist_2010.index(song)
current_artist = inform_2010[i].artist
current_title = inform_2010[i].title
current_genre = inform_2010[i].genre
current_release = inform_2010[i].release
current_lyric = inform_2010[i].lyric
current_thema = inform_2010[i].thema

def add_newline(lyrics):
cnt = 0
for i in range(len(lyrics)):
if lyrics[i] == ' ':
cnt += 1
if cnt > 5 and lyrics[i] == ' ':
cnt = 0
lyrics[i] = '\n'
return ''.join(lyrics)

def tsv_to_list():
list_1990 = pd.read_csv('1990s.tsv', sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')
list_2000 = pd.read_csv('2000s.tsv', sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')
list_2010 = pd.read_csv('2010s.tsv', sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')

for i in range(len(list_1990)):
inform_1990.append(SongData(list_1990['release'][i], list_1990['artist'][i],list_1990['title'][i],list_1990['genre'][i], list_1990['lyric'][i],list_1990['thema'][i]))
tmp = list_1990['title'][i]
tmp += " -"
tmp += list_1990['artist'][i]

for i in range(len(list_2000)):
inform_2000.append(SongData(list_2000['release'][i], list_2000['artist'][i],list_2000['title'][i],list_2000['genre'][i], list_2000['lyric'][i], list_2000['thema'][i]))
tmp = list_2000['title'][i]
tmp += " -"
tmp += list_2000['artist'][i]

for i in range(len(list_2010)):
inform_2010.append(SongData(list_2010['release'][i],list_2010['artist'][i],list_2010['title'][i],list_2010['genre'][i], list_2010['lyric'][i], list_2010['thema'][i]))
tmp = list_2010['title'][i]
tmp += " -"
tmp += list_2010['artist'][i]

if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv) # UI 객체 생성
ex = App()

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