Pure vanilla-js ultra-lightweight dom inspector similiar to built-in tool in chrome browser with a custom callback onClick.
yarn add inspector-dom2
const Inspector = require('inspector-dom2')
import Inspector from 'inspector-dom2'
const inspector = Inspector()
const inspector = Inspector({
root: 'body', // root element
excluded: [], // excluded children, string or node Element
included: [], // included always use better, and the css positive selector is supported friendly
outlineStyle: '2px solid orange', // style
highlightClass: 'inspector', // help developer advance the inspector highlight custom css
onClick: el => console.log('Element was clicked:', el) //onClick callback
- Fix: When use the inspector onClick, the
element ohter click handler will not work. Set theonClick
is null, the element click work.
inspector.enable() // turn the inspector on
inspector.cancel() // turn the inspector off