Timeline based on MIDI Sequencer for VL/VVVV
Needs vvvv beta-preview > #4305 (because of changes to the internally used MIDI library)
- Enable/Disable individual tracks (instruments)
- Create selections for individual notes
- Split tracks and note selections to operate on played note events
- LTC (SMPTE) <-> MIDI Timing conversions
- Tempo-automation safe
- Loop-Region (handy for development)
- Make use of clips to mark parts of the arrangement
- Hold right mouse button Scroll
- Middle mouse button Set playhead
- Space Play
- N Place loop start marker M Place loop end marker
- L Toggle loop
- Ctrl+S Save arrangement
- Ctrl+L Load arrangement
- Improve UI for clips (overlapping clips are lazily solved by placing them in 4 alternating rows)
- Improve overall UI/UX
- Performance enhancements (zooming out is very bad on the cpu, scrolling while doing so even more)
- Elementa UI widgets sometimes don't get initialized properly